Five reasons why St Andrew’s might NOT be the church for you
- You need inspirational sermons that keep you going every week. No one likes his sermons better than our minister, but being the inspiration for your week is way too much pressure for him.
- You need a great praise band. We have a hymnal with over 700 hymns — you’re sure to like at least one of them.
- You’re looking for children and youth programs. Define “program”? We have great Sunday School teachers who are eager and ready to teach… whenever there are kids in church. Does that count?
- You’re hoping for a big, busy facility with specialized ministries and preferably a coffee bar. We love our old building, but it’s well-used and well-worn. Our ministry is special, but too small to be specialized. And as much as our minister wants it, no one has donated a espresso machine yet.
- You want to worship in a church that shares all your same beliefs. If you’re a Christian, chances are we’ll share a lot of the same beliefs — but it’s unlikely we’ll agree on everything. St Andrew’s is a diverse church with a lot of different opinions on theology and social issues.
One reason why St Andrew’s IS the church for you
- God is calling you to be here. When looking for a church to attend, this is the only reason that matters. There’s a lot of great churches in our city, but for some reason, St Andrew’s peaks your interest. It’s not our fantastic website, it’s not the crowds of people, it’s not our social media buzz… it’s the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is calling you to check out this little church on 118th Ave. We don’t know why. Maybe you have a talent to share; maybe there’s a new friend here that God wants you to meet; maybe this is the church where your faith will flourish; maybe you need a community who loves you for who you are and doesn’t judge. We never pressure people to come or to stay because we believe that it’s God who guides people to our church. Some visit briefly, some stick around for a lifetime, but each person is a blessing and welcomed as an opportunity to share Christ’s love.
We know going to a church for the first time is scary. We’ve been there. So take your time and browse this website. Text us if you have a question (780-604-6315). Sometimes it’s easier if you know at least one smiling face, so email the church ([email protected]) and we’ll gladly take you out for coffee during the week. And if you’re reading this page at 10:35 am on Sunday morning and haven’t got out of bed yet, don’t worry — you definitely won’t be the only one late. Get up, shower, and make your way over!