
St John’s, Cresswell Church was built by the Congregationalists around 1877 and services of worship were held for a number of years until finally they found it impossible to support a minister and ceased to exist as a Congregational Church.

On November 18, 1894, the church was reopened as St John’s Presbyterian Church, Cresswell with Rev. P.A. McLeod from St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Sonya conducting services at both Sonya and Cresswell.

In 1902, the Lindsay Presbytery joined St John’s Cresswell with Sunderland Presbyterian Church as Sunderland was no longer self supporting. This was the first two point charge for Cresswell.

In 1925, the Sunderland Presbyterian Church changed to the Sunderland United Church and St John’s, Cresswell was annexed with St Andrews,Sonya.

First wedding in the church was in 1963.  Also during this year, a new addition was being planned.

In 1987, St Andrews, Sonya Church was sold and St John’s became a two point charge with Wick Presbyterian Church.

In 1990, an addition to the Church was needed as a result of the growing Sunday School.  The dedication for the new addition was on April 7, 1990.

From 1991 to 1994, the two point charge of Wick and St. John’s was joined to Know Presbyterian Church, Cannington resulting in a three point charge.

In 1994, after a service in the morning celebrating the 100th anniversary, the ceiling of the Sanctuary fell in.  Everyone had left the building so no-one was hurt.  Pews were damaged but the pulpit and communion table were not hurt.  After many hours of volunteer labour, the Sanctuary was remodelled and remains this way today. On May 28, 1995 a service of rededication was held.

In 2007, a fire occurred at the Knox Presbyterian Church and it could not be saved.  The cluster was re-evaluated at that time and Cannington chose to leave.

In 2009, Wick Presbyterian Church and St. John’s made the decision to go on their own.  Also a wheelchair ramp was installed.

In 2010, Rev Virginia Brand accepted a call to be the minister of St. John’s

In 2013, ordination service for Rev Kathy Firth was held at St. John’s.  Rev. Kathy had accepted a position at Knox Presbyterian in Oshawa.

In 2019, Rev Kathy Firth became the minister of St. John’s after a service of blessing on June 9, 2019.