St. Lukes Presbyterian Church is located in Bathurst, New Brunswick, a community along the north east coast of New Brunswick. St. Lukes was established from a Presbyterian Congregation that began in 1827. The name St. Lukes was adopted in 1841 and has been a Presbyterian witness in the community since that time. The current church building on the corner of Murray Ave. and St. Andrews Street was dedicated to the glory of God on June 27, 1946. The minister at that time was Rev. E. H. Bean. Since that time nine ministers have served the congregation of St. Lukes. In recent years, the congregation has been without a minister, but through the dedication of a committed congregation and with the help of pulpit supply and student ministers in the summer, the ministry has remained active and an integral part of the community. Our purpose is to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in doing so celebrate Him. We strive to change our lives to reflect more of the character of Jesus – and live positive, purposeful and hopeful lives in the midst of daily challenges.