
Everyone is welcome to worship with us. We get together throughout the year for bible studies, congregational meals, special services,  and outreach projects.


Our ministry is made possible by our Director of Music Ministry, Elise; our supply ministers and lay preachers; as well as our Interim Moderator, The Rev. Irwin Cunningham; Our session Elders and weekly readers; and Bob who runs our live-stream.

Thursday Fellowship

Most Thursdays (there are sometimes breaks during Summer and Christmas time) there is bible discussion and prayer group led by one of our volunteers who is a deaconess in  the PCC. You are invited to meet at 10:30 am. Come a long and bring a friend, new faces are always welcome! Contact the the session clerk for more information.

Community Partners:

Our building is loved by our congregation and also loved and used by members of our community including a daycare, a ballroom dance studio, a Scottish Gaelic Choir and a community big band! We are blessed to be able to partner with members of our community.
If you are part of a community group looking for meeting or rehearsal space, contact the church or the board of managers for more information.


Trinity is a small but generous congregation who supports projects around the world through PWS&D. PWS&D works with people around the world to fund sustainable agriculture, small business training, HIV and AIDS relief, prenatal care, promotion of justice and rights of women and vulnerable people, and more.

Trinity has also funded and organized a community dinner program, provided grocery cards to people facing food insecurity (if you would like to donate towards our compassionate fund for grocery gift cards, please contact us), and has supported organizations such as Our Place, Cool Aid and Anawim House

We have snacks available to anyone who needs a little something to take with them after the service and we can provide emergency grocery help as needed. Speak to a member of session if you need this help.

The session of Trinity Presbyterian Church recognizes that God’s love and the fellowship of worship is available to all God’s children and that all should be safe and loved at Trinity. Trinity is a “friendly” church and that includes everyone. Read the session’s policy on Gender and Sexuality here.