Volunteer Page Tips
Volunteering is a great way for people to get plugged into your church, feel more connected with the community, and serve Jesus at the same time. Consider putting together a comprehensive list of the different volunteer opportunities available for church members. Think about what your congregation is already doing within the church and in the community, then list the needs your congregation has for volunteers. For example:
- Holiday and special events (Christmas pageant, Easter activities)
- Family-oriented (visiting nursing homes, food bank, clothing drives)
- Short-term commitments (usher, greeter, communion)
- Fundraising (making posters, collecting donations)
- Specific positions for key needs (general repairs, sewing/knitting, stewardship)
Example Volunteer Text
(From St Marys Presbyterian Church in St Marys, Ontario)
We show our love for God by giving back to God and by reaching out to others. Utilizing our gifts is something that we are called to do. And that something is what we call stewardship. Our Session set up a variety of Ministry Teams which all include some of our elders and our goal is to include some of our general members on each team as well.
Gifts of time and talent are needed in many areas:
Worship | Planning special services, reading scripture, taking the collection, hosting fellowship time |
Prayer | Prayer chain, youth prayer partners |
Visiting & Care of People | Pastoral care, card ministry |
Music | Senior choir, special ensembles, handbell choir, soloist and special guest performer |
Teaching | Sunday School teachers, Nursery Coordinator and Assistant, Youth Leaders |
Mission | Meals on Wheels, Community Supper in May, participating in annual Pie Auction |
Artistic and Hands-On | Banners, flower arrangements, decorating for special events, building maintenance, kitchen cleaning, church landscape and gardens, assisting at one of our three annual suppers: “Rabbie Burns” in January, Drive Thru BBQ in June, Take Out Turkey Supper in September. |
Hospitality | Sunday morning greeters, hosting refreshments for after Sunday service, food service for funeral receptions and events |
Fund Raising | Fall Bazaar, Spring Sale and special events |
Technology | Sunday worship audio and visual services, church website, Grapevine newsletter |
Finance and Administration | Sunday collection counters, Finance Ministry Team member |