Maundy Thursday – April 9, 2020

The Maundy Thursday Communion service will be held via Zoom at 2:30.

Please have your own wine/juice and bread ready for the service.

Here is the service bulletin and songs so you can follow along.
Maundy Thursday Communion Service
Lord whose love
What wondrous love is this

Reid Chudley has prepared a Maundy Thursday liturgy which incorporates a feast and hand-washing.  You may wish to try this at home alone or with family.

Some thoughts in anticipation of Maundy Thursday… 

As we prepare to celebrate the mystery and joy of God’s blessing around the table with Jesus and his disciples on Maundy Thursday, we recognize how much we have need of one another in the vastness of God’s creation. We are made to live and work and worship in a delicate network of interdependence as communities of faith. It is a powerfully symbolic action we undertake in remembering at the Lord’s Table – not something to become nonchalant about. We can continue to experience the worshipful joy that the disciples felt as they received a blessing from Jesus when we share that blessing together in this sacred meal even if we do so in separate spaces. Now, perhaps more than ever, we need the sense of connection and the promise of community offered in relationship with God in Christ. 

The real healing power of celebrating at the Lord’s Table is its ability to bring forgiveness and reconciliation to brothers and sisters that are divided and estranged from one another. When you get your focus onto the selflessness of Jesus, dividing walls crumble. The people that you are angry with or feel hurt by are the people that Jesus died for. They are the ones that the blood was shed for. As we prepare to join in a virtual communion table, may God help us reconcile our differences and remember the sacrifice of Jesus so that we can freely share the bread of life and the cup of grace. 

When you eat the bread, imagine you are at the table with Jesus – one of the disciples sharing a taste of heaven with other faithful followers. Do it with care – do it with love. Remind one another with your prayerful energy that this is the bread of life which we share as part of the great mystery of God’s blessing in our lives. 

As you drink from the cup – do so with the attentiveness and humility of one sharing the very grace of God. It is no small thing to bless each other with the ordinary elements of the earth which God makes special to help us remember the new covenant of God’s grace. 

Gaze with the disciples into the mystery of heaven – which overlaps, under lays, and interleaves our earthly life – beyond and within – all around us, now and always. Be swept up in the power of the moment and the awesomeness of our actions as a community. Together we behold and consider the majesty and mystery of participating in relationship with Jesus. Let us remember always that we are blessed by God to serve one another. Amen