Jesus calls us to love and care for others which we strive to do in many ways. The elders at Knox share with the minister in reaching out to and caring for the congregation. Part of the role of elders is to enable good communication, encourage growth in faith and offer nurture and support to everyone at Knox. We also have other pastoral supports in place.
- Joys and Concerns are shared monthly during worship and the congregation is encouraged to pray for one another.
- Visiting those within our circle of care who are unable to attend worship regularly and participate in the activities of the community of faith is an important part of our ministry. In addition, our minister is available any time for emergency visits and maintains pastoral contact with everyone associated with Knox.
- Care Facility Services are led by our minister at The Cedars every other month at 10:30 am. Anyone who wants to join in this ministry can contact the church office.
- Pastoral Visitor is a recently created position to assist Laura with home and hospital visitation. Our pastoral visitor is Ruth McCowan and she works with the congregations of Knox and Trinity Presbyterian Church.