What to expect on your First Visit

We want you to “feel at home” at First Presbyterian Church.

For those coming for the first time we would like to explain a little about what to expect on Sunday Morning.


Parking is available in the parking lot at the rear of the building although this tends to fill up fast. Free parking is also available on many of the nearby streets.

Entrances: To ensure everyone’s safety and well-being during worship entrance into the Sanctuary for worship is through the main entrance  at the corner of Church St. and William St. only.

Accessibility: For those who require accessible entrance,  the parking lot entrance includes a wheelchair ramp.  Just inside that entrance is the elevator that will take you to the second floor and to the Sanctuary

As you enter the sanctuary, you will be met by our greeters, who will provide you with a Bulletin and answer any questions you may have.

Bulletins contain the order or service, announcements, events and other information from our congregation, The Presbyterian Church in Canada and local groups.

Our services include singing, reading of Scripture, prayers, and a message from the minister or worship leader.  There is also an opportunity to give thanks to the Lord with monetary gifts. The offering received each week supports the ministry of the congregation, as well as for local  and international mission and outreach.  These are listed each week in the bulletin.

Sunday school: Part way through the morning service, the minister or worship leader shares a message especially with the children . After the children’s message, they are invited to go downstairs to our Sunday school.  After worship, our Sunday School teacher will bring the children back upstairs to meet their parents/guardians.

Coffee Hour: Coffee hour is being held every Sunday except the 4th Sunday of each month, when the church kitchen is being used to prepare the monthly Sunday Supper.”

For more details on what we, as the  Presbyterian Church in Canada believe, follow this link:

We Believe