
Music Ministry

The music team are dedicated to contributing meaningful music to the worship service. We work hard to prepare music that will make scripture come to life, make toes tap, and appeal to old, or young – hopefully both! We are fortunate to have many musical talents within the congregation, and often enjoy solo presentations as well.

During the week, First opens our doors to various music endeavours.  At First, we cherish the joy of singing!

The music team at First is dedicated to enhancing the worship service, by presenting music that will touch the congregation, and move the spirit of God within them.

Children’s Nursery and Church

At First, we have a nursery in the back of the sanctuary so that children have a place to play, and caregivers can still be part of the service.

We are delving into ways that will incorporate children within the worship service.  For those who wish to remain in the pews, we offer, pew bible activities. You may request a package from the usher.

Anamiewigummig (Kenora Fellowship Centre) – Kenora, ON

The Kenora Fellowship Centre is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada that provides sanctuary and hospitality, help and comfort to the vulnerable, the disadvantaged and displaced. The centre also caters for countless individuals who are marginalized and alienated because of poverty and addiction. It operates as a drop-in centre and works with legal services, detoxification programs, street patrol and other essential services in the community.

At the Fellowship Centre the homeless are offered phase two level of housing supporting persons in the transition of finding permanent homes and employment.   It hosts a day-time drop-in centre.

Our ministry to the Fellowship Centre consists of donations of non-perishable foods, toiletries and items of clothing.   Members who are able, volunteer at the shelter in various ways.[metaslider id=141]

Blanket Exercise Facilitator Training in Winnipeg

Pastoral Care

We live in a time when many persons are affected by life changes events which my take a toll on individuals and families as they try to cope. We realise that as a people are also engaged in a search for someone to share their joys, sorrows, anxieties and difficulties with; you may simply have questions about life and events which you may need an answer for. We are available to help you deal with whatever you are going through or whatever difficult decision you have to make. Make an appointment to talk with our elders by calling one of our listed numbers. If we are not able to help you directly we can refer you to someone who will be able to help.