Knox Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) –  presbyterian.ca,  and, as such, operates within the governing courts system of Sessions, Presbyteries, Synods and General Assembly. We accept the stated Mission Statement of the PCC. Our own Mission Statement falls within its perimeters.

A. Mission Statement Knox Church

As a community of Christians our mission, in response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, is to encourage one another and all the people of the Knox family and the whole Church of Jesus Christ to be involved in local and world mission through worship, prayer, study, service and fellowship.

As God sent Christ to us, so Christ sends us into the world. We are here to proclaim Christ in word and deed.

B. Mandate Knox Oshawa

Following the example of Christ, as Christians within the Presbyterian tradition, our purpose is to worship and glorify God. Inside the Church we are called to grow spiritually. We will be a people who grow in deep commitment to Jesus Christ. Outside the Church we are called to participate in Christ’s ministry to the world.

In terms of Worship, this means:

  • praising God and giving thanks in our homes as a congregation
  • seeking wisdom and guidance in our daily living;
  • acknowledging our faith in communion with God and with our fellow Christians; and
  • spiritual growth
In terms of Christian Education, this means encouraging children, youth and adults to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith through teaching and study.
In terms of Pastoral Care, this means helping and caring for each other within the Knox family.
In terms of Stewardship, this means:
  • using responsibly the resources that God has given us;
  • contributing our time, talent and treasury to God’s work; and
  • providing and maintaining adequate church property.
In terms of Mission, this means:
  • living our faith by example;
  • sharing our faith;
  • reaching out with love in our neighbourhood and in the world; and
  • membership growth

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