Knox Westport

A spiritual home for those who share a desire to grow in their faith in an environment of a traditional worship service with the singing of hymns, contemporary worship songs and Biblical teaching.

Everyone is welcome! 

Extending a warm and heartfelt welcome to you, whether you are a long-time member of our congregation, a seasoned churchgoer or someone simply curious about Christianity, a newcomer to the area, or someone seeking spiritual guidance and community, we invite you to join us for our worship services.

Here at Knox Presbyterian Church, we gather together every Sunday morning at 10:30 am to worship, learn, and grow in faith. We look forward to walking this faith journey together with you, and we pray that you may find abundant blessings and grace in our fellowship.

July 21st, 10:30

Rev. Bruce Kemp

“more than bread and fish

Previous Sermons are found by opening the link “Sermons” above.

Upcoming Events:

July 28th Cemetery Service – to be held in conjunction with the regular morning worship service at Knox at 10:30

August 18th – Community outdoor worship service at Lockwood Park at 10:00 (no service will be held at Knox that Sunday.)








“To Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations.” -Ephesians 3:21