Knox is an active congregation with opportunities for people to both serve the Lord and experience spiritual growth.
Weekly Worship
Our weekly worship offers a mix of traditional and contemporary Christian music with a focus on encouraging one another to explore and deepen our faith and commitment.
Ladies’ Guild
Our active Ladies’ Guild meet monthly (First Tuesday at Noon except in the summer) and participate in community outreach projects. They hold an annual one day retreat in September.
Secret Sister Prayer Group
Another activity is the Secret Sister Prayer group. Each year the ladies draw a name. Throughout the year, notes and cards of encouragement are shared for special events in a person’s life or just to keep in touch. At the end of the year your secret sister’s name is revealed and you discover who was keeping you in their thoughts and prayers during the past year.
Prayer Chain, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Church Lending Library
We participate in a Community Prayer Chain that meets at the church in the morning of the 2nd Tuesday of each month as well a prayer shawl ministry and the maintenance of a church lending library with a variety of offerings for every age group and interest.
Benevolent Fund
Our benevolent fund provides assistance to people in the community as needs arise.
Food Bank Sunday
Food Bank Sunday is the first Sunday of every month. This is another way that we can reach beyond our doors to help those in need in the community.
Community Candlelight Service
Every December we host a Community Candlelight Service (first Sunday evening in December). Singers and musicians from all local churches in the area come together to celebrate and worship God in song and music. A freewill offering is collected and donated to a local community charity.
“Serve the Lord with gladness; come into His presence with joyful songs.” -Psalm 100:2