November 6, 2022

The Price of Friendship

The Price of Friendship – John 15:1-17 I chose the passage from John 15 for this year’s Remembran...
October 30, 2022

When Jesus Sees Us

When Jesus sees us – Luke 19:1-10 I am sure you have all noticed that the stories preserved for u...
October 23, 2022

Our Approach to God

Our Approach to God – Luke 18:9-14 The parable we are presented with today gives us the picture o...
October 16, 2022

Persistence Pays Off

Persistence Pays Off – Luke 18:1-8 How often have we heard people say to us, you need to be persi...
October 9, 2022

A Bread For All Time

A Bread for all Time – Deut. 26:1-11; John 6:25-35 In this passage from Deuteronomy, Moses is pre...
October 2, 2022

We are a Covenant People

We are a Covenant People – Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Luke 22:14-20 We are a covenant people.  What comes...
September 11, 2022

Keeping the Faith

Keeping the Faith – 1 Timothy 1:12-17 While most of Paul’s letters were written to communities of...
September 4, 2022

The Courage to Commit

The Courage to Commit – Luke 14:25-33 Discipleship is a commitment to follow the teachings of a m...
August 21, 2022

The Marks of a Christian Life

THE MARKS OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – Hebrews 13:1-8 If someone were to ask you what makes you a Chri...