June 6, 2024 Announcements

Announcements – 06 June, 2024


Knox is a caring and inclusive community of faith.  All are welcome here!


Worship10:00 AM –   We hope you will participate in-person but if you are unwell, please access the live streamed service.

To access the live streamed service, please go to the Knox’s YouTube channel or click here

Joys & Concerns may we experience the healing presence of Christ as we uphold one another in prayer – sharing joys and concerns draws us together as a community of faith.  Please pray for …

Family, friends and colleagues in need …

    • Those within the Knox community of faith who are suffering at this time… Ina (Martha’s friend recovering from surgery); Ken and Norma (from Campbell River); Joan; Richard & Yvonne Fowler; Earl; David; Toa; Neil; Pat & family.
    • Congregations / faith groups in Victoria, Vancouver Island Presbytery, The Presbyterian Church in Canada…
    • Trinity, Victoria / Knox, Sooke and the ongoing merger discussions between Victoria congregations – Knox and St. Andrew’s
    • People, places and situations in the world that are broken and besieged… especially Ukraine / Gaza
    • Consider those struggling with chronic illness, recovery from surgery, addiction, personal loss, and any within our circle of care unable to attend worship each week.
    • Give thanks for the blessings you enjoy – for relationships, comforts and security – for unexpected or long anticipated pleasures – for the amazing beauty of creation.

Please let Laura know when your concern is no longer urgent and can be removed from the list.

June  Celebrations

02  Jan Eamer
15  Valerie McNabb
17  Carolyn + Jim Johnson
23  Lillian Lin
24  Hinata Lam
25  Gary Hall
27  Anne Krauss
27  April + John Watt
29  Keith Elliott
29  Richard + Yvonne Fowler

June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day; it is a time to celebrate and honour Indigenous peoples in Canada. These days may also be observed on National Indigenous Peoples Day Sunday (June 16 in 2024).

First Nations people, Inuit and Métis have made their home in what is now called Canada for millennia, caring for the land and water for generations. Indigenous peoples have developed a rich breadth of cultures, languages, spiritual practices, and teachings and had governance structures and complex inter-nation relationships long before the arrival of European settlers. Many Indigenous nations are engaged in preserving and renewing these important parts of identity and community.

Though The Presbyterian Church in Canada has a history of harm to Indigenous people through its legacy of colonization and operating residential schools, including through previously supporting the ban on important Indigenous cultural and spiritual practices, we have been trying to walk a path of reconciliation. Along with the reparations and repentance we are trying to live out, honouring the cultures, languages, spiritual practices, and identities of Indigenous peoples is one important way to do so.

So, on this day and every day, we lift up the rich histories, cultures, languages, and spiritual practices of Indigenous people. We honour the gifts, teachings, and skills of Indigenous people across what is now Canada and give thanks for their care, wisdom, courage, and expertise.

Learn more about Indigenous Ministries within The Presbyterian Church in Canada here

Learn more about the church’s commitments regarding Indigenous rights, truth, and reconciliation, and find study resources regarding those commitments on the PCC’s Social Action Hub, Indigenous Justice webpage.

Pride Season … is a term that refers to the wide range of Pride events that take place over the summer (June to September) when 2SLGBTQI+ communities and allies come together to spotlight the resilience, celebrate the talent, and recognize the contributions of 2SLGBTQI+ communities. 2SLGBTQI+ is the abbreviation for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and additional sexual orientations and gender identities.  Although special attention is put on the Pride events during the summer months, they happen throughout the year in many communities.

Historically, Pride gatherings emerged from the first large-scale protests for 2SLGBTQI+ rights. In Canada, the first demonstrations took place in Ottawa and Vancouver in 1971. By 1973, Pride events were held in several Canadian cities, including Montréal, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Toronto’s Pride weekend in June is now among the largest Pride events in North America.

Go HERE to learn more about Gender, Sexuality & LGBTQI2+ Inclusion in the PCC.

Go HERE to download the ‘Well Chosen Words’ brochure, a resource from the PCC on learning to use inclusive language.

Go HERE to learn more about what is planned for Pride 2024 in Victoria.

On Sunday, June 23rd, Knox will welcome a guest speaker, Ruby Koep, to discuss their experiences growing up as a 2SLGBTQI+ person in the church

Knox Book Club The book for discussion this month: ‘The Only Café’ by Linden MacIntyre We hope you can join the conversation Saturday, June 8, at 1:00 pm.


Prayer Meeting … Next week in the weekly emails to St. Andrew’s and Knox there will be a Zoom link inviting us to meet in prayer as we continue to ask for God’s guidance about the continuing collaboration between the two congregations.  Several weeks ago, The Litany of Confession at St. Andrew’s contained these words. Let us pray and meditate on these words in the coming week.

Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to lead us in the right direction. Send the wind of Your Holy Spirit to blow away our doubt. Lord, send the fire of Your Holy Spirit to open our eyes and move us forward. Lord, send the wind of Your Holy Spirit to make us ever aware of Your Holy Spirit moving among us, now and always.

Next week’s weekly email will have a Zoom link for a 30-minute prayer meeting.  Please join the Sessions of Knox and St. Andrew’s to pray about God’s will for Knox and St. Andrew’s.

-Sabine Teetzel Elder from St. Andrew’s

The next Knox Cafe is Thurs, June 20 at 7 pm!  ‘Back to the Laurel Canyon 1970’ features the music of counterculture LA rock musicians. Admission is $10 and includes light refreshments. Donations in support of the humanitarian work of PWS&D accepted – cash, cheque, or e-transfer to tresknox@telus.net  (please put ‘Knox Cafe’ in the message line)

Back to Laurel Canyon 1970: The Knox Café band will present songs by the musicians of Laurel Canyon, from the late 60s to early 70s. As in New York’ Greenwich Village earlier in the 60s, these musicians lived and partied together but most importantly collaborated to produce some of the greatest music of the 20th century.

“Musicians who’d been poor in the Village (and left unlikely places in Canada) began California dreamin’. They found themselves in Laurel Canyon, where the leaves weren’t brown, the sun shone and the rent was cheap. Where they smoked each other’s weed, ate out of each other’s fridges,” and inspired each other to make music. – Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca

“Laurel Canyon was home to various members of the Byrds, the Doors, Love and Buffalo Springfield; to Frank Zappa, the Mamas & the Papas, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Jim Morrison of The Doors, Carole King, James Taylor, and Joni Mitchell.  It gave us folk rock, country rock and a wealth of singer-songwriters.  It hosted a second wave of artists: Jackson Browne, Linda Ronstadt, Little Feat, Bonnie Raitt, and the Eagles. For the best part of a decade, it was the focus of a creative community that was collaborative, countercultural, innovative, and highly productive.” – Jim Carroll’s Blog

June Lunch … Let’s get together and share a meal at the AppleTree Restaurant after worship on Sunday, June 30. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway. Talk to Marianne if you have questions.

Char’s Home Baking … Freshly baked to order! All items are made with organic gluten free flour blends in a gluten free kitchen! No soy, peanuts, or corn.  Sugar, lactose, dairy free (DF) options available for some items – please inquire when ordering. Food safe certified.

Bread                                                                 $9.50
DF Bread                                                           $9.50
Oatmeal Coconut Cookies 1 doz.          $19.00
DF Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 doz.        $15.00
DF Double Chocolate Cookies 1 doz.   $19.00
Lemon Bars                                                   $20.00
DF Lemon Bars                                            $27.00
DF Plain Brownies                                      $15.00
DF Iced Brownies                                        $21.00
Apple-berry Pie                                           $14.00
Apple-berry Pie – Out of season          $21.00
Pumpkin Pie                                                 $12.00

Special requests taken! Communion bread, cakes, muffins, loafs, hot crossed buns – just ask!

Cake prices vary, please ask when ordering.  Most cakes are double layered and there are many flavour options available!

This is a non-profit endeavour: funds raised will go to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen via Lutheran Church of the Cross.

To place an order or make inquiries, please email Char at chaw.holcroft3@hotmail.com or call 250-389-2984.  Thank you for your support!


Strawberry Tea and Bazaar…Stop by Knox Church on Saturday, June 15 from 1 – 4pm for tea, entertainment and treasures!  All donations are in support of the Victoria Cat Rescue Corps Society.

FLAMENCO VICTORIA If you’re looking for an entertaining evening on Saturday, June 22, Toa and Dorothy will be performing flamenco in the student showcase at Glenlyon-Norfolk auditorium! Information about tickets and directions are here.

St. Andrew’s Choral Scholars in Concert … Sunday, June 30 at 12:15 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.  Featuring Darby Howard, Noah Mellemstrand, Eva Smith, and Lauren Steinmann.  Donations are greatly appreciated to support music outreach and emerging young musicians.  Everyone is welcome!

Sunday, June 9, 2024 – Mission Moment

Persistent airstrikes in Gaza have caused extensive destruction, resulting in numerous casualties and displacements. Through the ACT Alliance, PWS&D supports the Middle East Council of Churches Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees. Their staff in the south of Gaza provide psychosocial interventions, psychological first-aid training, hygiene kits, and cash distributions to address trauma, limited water access and financial needs. The Rafah Clinic ensures access to essential health care services, while shelters in churches receive support with food and basic supplies. The overwhelming need for ongoing support remains critical as the conflict continues to inflict damage on lives, infrastructure, and homes, depriving communities of essential resources like water, medical supplies and food.

Prayer Partnership

Thursday, June 6 We pray for the weary caregivers who seek respite each month in Dove House Quiet Days hosted by Crieff Hills Retreat Centre.

Friday, June 7 With PWS&D’s support, farmers and families are learning about sustainability, food security and environmental protection. We pray that future generations steward God’s creation well.

Saturday, June 8 We pray for the Archives and Records Committee and the Committee on History as they work to support the preservation and awareness of The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s legacy.

Sunday, June 9 We pray for people facing persecution because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We give thanks for organizations around the world that advocate for the well-being of LGBTQI+ people and aid those seeking refuge.

Monday, June 10 We pray for those who work to provide food that strengthens our bodies so that we can love and serve God and one another.

Tuesday, June 11 We pray for the Kanesatake and Kahnawake First Nations, for their well-being and success in healing initiatives in their communities. Special blessings for the work of the Kahnawake Cultural Centre and their language reclaiming program.

Wednesday, June 12 We pray for the work of The Sharing Ministry, a regional ministry initiative in the Presbytery of the Northwest, and for its minister, the Rev. Mark Chiang.

Thursday, June 13 We pray for presbyteries of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, that they have a spirit of cooperation and collegiality as they oversee the work of ministers and congregations.

Friday, June 14 We pray for the people, ministries and mission of the Presbytery Peace River.

Saturday, June 15 We give thanks for those who faithfully serve our theological schools, the administrators, building superintendents, librarians, faculty and staff who attend to the details of the success of each one of our students.

Social Action Spotlight – April – June 2024

A Call for Climate Justice

It is estimated that in 2023, there was a 30% increase in people who lost their lives due to climate related disasters such as floods, wildfires, cyclones, storms and landslides over the previous year (data from the International Disaster Database).

Almost half of those killed were in countries responsible for less than 0.1% of the world’s global greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, an estimated 87% of all people living in extreme poverty live in environmentally vulnerable or fragile countries.

The African continent, for example, contributes the least to climate change yet is the most vulnerable to its impacts. African countries, which have contributed so little to the global climate crisis, will have to spend up to five times more on adapting to the crisis than they will on healthcare. In contrast, G20 countries represent around 75% of global emissions and have the financial resources to cope with the impacts of the climate crisis in their own countries, while also assisting countries who need it.

To help address this disproportionate burden, countries agreed at the United Nations Climate Conference to create a loss and damage fund. “Loss and damage” refers to the negative consequences that arise from the unavoidable risks of climate change, like extreme weather events. Wealthier countries are invited to contribute to the fund so that countries most impacted by climate change have access to the resources they need to cope with the emergency.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Sometimes we think of climate change as something that impacts other people. Have you noticed changes in our climate? What have you noticed?
  1. What is your vision of the sort of society that offers a more just response to the climate emergency?
  1. What potential actions could you take to impact the environment positively in your community? In your country? In the world?

What can you do?

    • Engage with For the Love of Creation, a national, faith-based coalition for climate justice, with resources for learning, conversation and advocacy at fortheloveofcreation.ca.
    • Every fall, the World Council of Churches encourages people to come together during the Season of Creation. Find resources to engage your church and community at seasonofcreation.org.
    • Contact the Minister of Finance and ask that Canada make a significant contribution to the Loss and Damage Fund, in line with the contributions of other G20 countries.


Knox is a caring and inclusive community of faith.  All are welcome here!