July 3, 2024 Announcements

Announcements – 03 July, 2024

Knox is a caring and inclusive community of faith.  All are welcome here!

Worship10:00 AM –   Communion and Pride SundayWe hope you will participate in-person but if you are unwell, please access the live streamed service.

To access the live streamed service, please go to the Knox’s YouTube channel or click here

Joys & Concerns may we experience the healing presence of Christ as we uphold one another in prayer – sharing joys and concerns draws us together as a community of faith.  Please pray for …

Family, friends and colleagues in need …

    • Please pray for the Rev. Laura Hargrove who recently underwent skull surgery for a meningioma which we hope and pray is benign. Laura is in Health Sciences Hospital in Winnipeg recovering from surgery that happened on the 26th or 27th of June (I think). She was going in for a CT scan about her sinuses when the tumour was discovered. She may not be able to respond to emails, but I think she would appreciate receiving them. hargrove@mymts.net
    • Those within the Knox community of faith who are suffering at this time… Ina (Martha’s friend recovering from surgery); Richard & Yvonne Fowler; Earl; David; Toa; Neil; Pat & family.
    • Congregations / faith groups in Victoria, Vancouver Island Presbytery, The Presbyterian Church in Canada…Trinity, Victoria / Knox, Sooke and the ongoing merger discussions between Victoria congregations – Knox and St. Andrew’s
    • People, places and situations in the world that are broken and besieged… especially Ukraine / Gaza
    • Consider those struggling with chronic illness, recovery from surgery, addiction, personal loss, and any within our circle of care unable to attend worship each week.
    • Give thanks for the blessings you enjoy – for relationships, comforts and security – for unexpected or long anticipated pleasures – for the amazing beauty of creation.

Please let Laura know when your concern is no longer urgent and can be removed from the list.

 July Celebrations

03 July  Terry Foster + Fiona Gow
03 July  Peter Balogh
05 July  Victor Hsu + Lillian Lin
05 July  Victor Hsu
05 July  Laura Kavanagh + Steve Sturgess
05 July  Amanda + Kevin Chaval
16 July  Arlene Stapleton
17 July  Lilian Sutherland
19 July  Rowan Spry
27 July  Arthur Hall

Book Club … the book for discussion this month is Bewilderment by Richard Powers.  We hope you can join the conversation on Saturday, July 6 at 1:00 pm.


Pride Parade … Join the Inclusive Christians Club at the Victoria Pride Parade this year on Sunday, July 7th, starting at 11 am!

This was such a positive experience last year that the Rev. Laura Kavanagh wants to encourage members of Knox, St. Andrew’s and other local Presbyterian congregations to join this year and show their support for the club and the queer community in Victoria. Please email Laura if you are interested or have questions: ltkknox@telus.net

Marching in the parade includes a spectrum of participation. People are needed to hold banners, carry pride flags, and hand out stickers to kids and others. We have Presbyterian stickers that affirm “God’s love includes everyone” as well as Inclusive Christian stickers to share.

There will also be opportunities to do crowd work for those who enjoy it. With thousands of people gathered it’s a chance to greet people, say hello, and lead a chant.

Mostly it is just walking and enjoying being there with thousands of people who are celebrating queer people’s right to exist and be themselves. Together we help build a better and safer society through public expressions like this.

If marching in a parade is not for you, you can also show up and give us a shout out when we pass by. It’s wonderful to see familiar faces in the crowd. Victoria’s Pride Parade goes right past St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church! Let’s celebrate Pride, promoting love, acceptance, and inclusivity for all.

Go HERE to learn more about what is planned for Pride 2024 in Victoria.

Go HERE to learn more about Gender, Sexuality & LGBTQI2+ Inclusion in the PCC.

Go HERE to download the ‘Well Chosen Words’ brochure, a resource from the PCC on learning to use inclusive language.

Be sure to pick up your ‘God’s Love Includes Everyone’ stickers on Sunday!

Prayer Meeting … Over the last month members of the St. Andrew’s and Knox have joined together to pray for God’s guidance during the continuing collaboration between the two congregations.  We prayed that we listen to the Holy Spirit and that God’s will be done and honoured by Knox and St. Andrew’s.  Would you like to join us?  There will 2 opportunities this coming week.  Wednesday at 7:00 pm and Thursday at 2pm.  Any questions email Sabine Teetzel steetzel@telus.net

Wednesday July 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm
●Click HERE
●Meeting ID: 963 581 8226
●Passcode: dNi2s3

Thursday July 4, 2024 at 2:00 pm
●Click HERE
●Meeting ID: 864 2466 7033
●Passcode: 1JJf2U

If you have any questions please email Shannon at  office@standrewsvictoria.ca.

Gaza Relief Fundraiser … in St. Andrew’s Lecture Room on Saturday July 27 from 8:00am – 6:00pm. Used clothing, household items, local art, and more for sale!  Gift basket silent auction.  All proceeds go towards Gaza relief effort.  Check out St. Andrew’s calendar for more details as they are announced!

Trinity would love to invite you to our upcoming event, “Prayers and Pancakes,” taking place after the service on July 28th (approx. 11:30am).

This special time promises a blend of hospitality, fellowship, and mission—a true reflection of our shared faith journey. We will enjoy a brunch of pancakes and have an opportunity to learn about some of the ways The Presbyterian Church in Canada advocates for a better way forward when it comes to housing issues, hunger, and more.

Bring your favourite fruit to add to our fruit salad and consider signing your name to one of the available letters written by the Presbyterian Church to remind our governments to take action to help the poor and vulnerable. Our words can make a difference!

Blood Drive …We encourage everyone to book ahead of time, but we will accommodate same-day appointments as best as we can.  Book online at https://www.blood.ca/en, by downloading our GiveBlood app, or by calling our toll-free number 1-888-236-6283.

We are thrilled and very grateful to announce that Baan Thai is offering a $10 off voucher to anyone who books an appointment to donate blood in the month of July.

This applies to blood donation events in Victoria, Westshore, and Sidney, and can be used at any of the four Baan Thai locations.

Vouchers will be given out at the mobile events. So this July, why not save a life and then enjoy something delicious at a favourite local restaurant! Thank you so much, Baan Thai!

Patricia Willms
Community Development Manager

Hungry Hearts: Victoria’s premiere culinary showdown and gala fundraiser for Our Place Society

On September 21, eight of the region’s top chefs will join Our Place at Delta Hotels Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort for Hungry Hearts 2024. An exciting competition to create the most heartfelt dishes, Hungry Hearts is a celebration of Victoria’s culinary excellence and caring culture.

This 10th annual Hungry Hearts is a milestone event and pivotal opportunity to break the cycle of addiction for the women of Vancouver Island. Our Place is poised to introduce a dedicated Women’s Recovery Program at their New Roads Therapeutic Recovery Community. This groundbreaking initiative will be the first long-term recovery program for women on the Island and is slated to open in the Fall of 2024. All funds raised at Hungry Hearts 2024 will go towards this life changing initiative.

Not just a culinary event, but a heartfelt gathering of community and business leaders, Hungry Hearts spotlights stories of compassion, inspiration, and hope. This uplifting evening features elevated cuisine, auction prizes, live music, and networking opportunities; all in support of a fantastic cause.

Secure your tickets here!

We are currently looking for businesses and community groups to become sponsors and auction donors for Hungry Hearts. A fantastic marketing opportunity that directly supports the vital community services of Our Place Society, please contact rachelh@ourplacesociety.com to learn more today.


Sunday, July 7, 2024 – Mission Moment

In Yemen, the ongoing war, collapsed economy, and disrupted public services have led to one of the worst humanitarian situations in the world, which includes severe malnutrition, hunger, displacement and poverty. To address this, PWS&D, through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, has supported the distribution of essential food baskets to severely food-insecure households. Musa, a displaced man from Al-Hodeida, lives in cramped conditions with his family and struggles to make ends meet by selling water bottles. His wife requires surgery, adding to their financial strain. With the assistance received, Musa’s family improved their food security by purchasing fruits and vegetables. With essential food needs addressed, Musa can now redirect the money he earns towards improving sanitation facilities for their home.

Prayer Partnership

Wednesday, July 3 We pray for the VST summer school program and that participants will be encouraged and equipped for faithful service to God through it.

Thursday, July 4 We pray for partners in Palestine and Israel as they work to supply food and essential supplies to Palestinians.

Friday, July 5 In this summer season, we pray for guests at Crieff Hills who are on retreat with their church, their family, or in solitude.

Saturday, July 6

We pray for the youth and leadership at the uplift 2024 national gathering at Brock University in St. Catharines, who are spending today learning about the role of transformative justice in building a more peaceful and just world.

Sunday, July 7 We pray for ministers and professional church workers coping with mental health issues that they will find support, encouragement and understanding.

Monday, July 8 We pray for the people, ministries and mission of the Presbytery of Kamloops.

Tuesday, July 9 We pray for all the victims of the April earthquake in Taiwan, for their families, communities, frontline responders and for the healing of the land.

Wednesday, July 10 We pray for the Women’s Missionary Society as its members plan to move forward in their endeavours to continue the work of mission locally and globally through prayers, study, service and fellowship.

Thursday, July 11 We pray for the Committee on Church Doctrine as it discusses how the church can journey with people seeking to make Christ-centered decisions around medical assistance in dying.

Friday, July 12 We pray for the people of Haiti during challenging times and lift up the partners, programs and participants supported by PWS&D, ensuring the vital work they do can continue.

Saturday, July 13 We pray for Ukraine in the ongoing invasion. As the media moves onto many other wars that break our hearts, may we not forget all those who are caught in situations of conflict.

Social Action Spotlight – July – September 2024

Anti-2SLGBTQI+ Rhetoric and Violence

Recently, there has been an alarming rise in harmful language and violence targeting LGBTQI people—especially those who are transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming—both here in Canada and across the globe. The PCC’s Confession to God and LGBTQI People acknowledges that: “The church has often perpetuated harmful lies that LGBTQI people are dangerous and abusive… The church’s prejudice contributes to hatred and neglect of LGBTQI people making them targets for physical, spiritual and emotional violence. For these unloving and unjust actions, we ask forgiveness.” Since doing justice and acting with love are important marks of Christian discipleship, the church chose to confess and repent, a process which involves repairing the harm we have caused and working to prevent future harm.

One impact of the recent increase in rhetoric demonizing and dehumanizing 2SLGBTQI+ people is that many transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming youth and adults feel that there is no place for them in society. They feel unsafe in public. While the emotional and spiritual wounds this causes are significant on their own, such rhetoric has also led to instances of physical violence. For example, in June 2023, a former student of the University of Waterloo entered a Gender Studies classroom and stabbed a professor and two students; an attack that appears to have been motivated by transphobic rhetoric.

One doesn’t have to actually call for violence to contribute to its likelihood. Rhetoric that scapegoats marginalized people can also cause harm, inciting hatred that some people will use as justification for violence. In a very real sense, attacks on any marginalized group can create situations where violence is tolerated; even normalized or seen as desirable. This doesn’t just make the targeted group less safe, it makes everyone less safe; violence spills over.

But safety and peace can spill over too. The church is called to be peacemakers. Intentionally working to support safety and healing and prevent harm are faithful ways to respond to anti-2SLGBTQI+ rhetoric and violence.

Questions for Reflection

We are called to love our neighbour. What are some ways you see people in your community acting with love? What are some things that could be done better?

It’s easy to think of violence spilling over. What do you think it would look like if safety or peace “spilled over?”

What can you do?

The 2023 General Assembly approved a recommendation “That congregations be encouraged to consider responses in their local communities to acts of hate and harm towards the LGBTQI+ community and sponsorship support of LGBTQI+ refugees.” Programs supporting LGBTQI people facing difficulties exist in many communities.

  • Find programs in your area and see if there are ways you can support them.
  • Consider sponsoring or otherwise supporting LGBTQI+ refugees.

Learn more

Resources are available on the Gender, Sexuality and Inclusion page of the Social Action Hub: presbyterian.ca/justice/social-action/gender-sexuality-inclusion


Knox is a caring and inclusive community of faith.  All are welcome here!


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