
Recognizing that we live in a world that is broken and hurting, we reach out to our community and our world in many ways.

  • Our Place meals are prepared in our church kitchen each month for Our Place, an outreach program providing meals, counselling and other services for the less fortunate in Victoria’s inner-city community. The meal preparation is a project we share with the Grace Korean Church congregation which uses our building. Contributions of fresh fruit are made to Our Place during the year. Watch for our Potato Blitz when we will collect potatoes and cash for Our Place. Members of Knox also volunteer in this outreach. Click here to find out more.
  • Laurel House “Think Small”: We contribute small toiletries and similar items to support participants in the Laurel House Mental Health Drop-in Day Centre.
  • Artemis Place Society: We have been connected with this community program for more than two decades. We provide some financial aid to support a nutritional component. At least once a year we gather for a meal to ensure that the students, children and staff at the school/daycare know how important they are to us. Click here for more info. 
  • Transition House: Knox collects non-perishable items to support Victoria Women’s Transition House that provides quality shelter, counselling and education for women so that they can live free from the effects of domestic abuse. Click here to find out more.
  • Other local needs are addressed as they arise. In recent years we have participated with CARTS (Christian Actions Reflecting the Spirit) through our “Warm Toes” project and with the city street ministries Christmas celebrations.