January 31, 2021 Worship

The worship service will be live-streamed beginning at 10 am on the Knox YouTube channel.

Worship Service for January 31, 2021

Laura really needs your help to make the worship service on Sunday meaningful! Please read the note below from the Wednesday Announcements and send your feedback as soon as you can. Thanks.

Preparing to celebrate an “All Ages Worship” this Sunday!
I’m going to read a story called, “Say Something!” by Peter H Reynolds. In the scripture from Mark, Jesus speaks as one with authority to heal, to address injustice, and to inspire us to speak out as well. How do you speak out in our world? With your voice – your art – your music – your poetry – your courage – or simply with your presence? Send me your ideas before Sunday so that I can share them with the congregation in worship. Have some paper ready to draw or write a message you think we could share – with one another, on our website, or on the church sign. Jesus gives us confidence to speak out and the world truly needs your voice.

Video of the worship service

Please join in a time of fellowship via Zoom at 11 am Sunday morning.

If you are unable to connect with the above links, please copy the following to your browser:

Knox YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuhn5kotdYBcARC5By1xRSw

Fellowship Time:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84067591070?pwd=WlRxa2g3OHpMVkI2Qmc0M3FtSTIvdz09