150th Anniversary Service 2013

On August 18th, Mille Isles Presbyterian Church celebrated the 150th anniversary of its founding. Over 100 people attended the service which was held outside, as sometimes happened in the time of our ancestors. Many were descendants of the 1863 Founders of the church. Fortunately the weather cooperated, as the day dawned bright and sunny. The service was led by Reverend Linda N. Robinson, music by Mary Chuprun with assistance from Ian Vesey. The gospel group, Aeternal, who perform annually at the church, were in attendance and performed several pieces composed by members of the group. In addition, new hymnals, as well as several sun catchers, were dedicated in memory of loved ones.
A short history of the church from 1863-2013 was prepared covering activities, renovations, work bees, fundraising, etc. that all contributed to the survival of this church for 150 years. Copies were given to those in attendance. If you were unable to be present, some copies are still available. Call 450-432-7324 and we will provide one.
After the service, a barbecue was held and enjoyed by everyone. Great salads and desserts were supplied by the congregation and their friends.
The members of Mille Isles church would like to thank everyone involved for making it a very special day.






Church View

Buffet #2