” O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of love with those who love and obey him.” Nehemiah 1:4-5
This fall as a church we are looking at different Bible stories helping us to discern the vision that God has for us. God revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush to tell him of the call He had for him. Moses was a reluctant leader of God’s people but God was faithful to the promise He made to deliver his people from slavery to freedom.
Nehemiah lived a lifestyle of prayer, calling out to the Lord for months before he made plans to restore the walls of the city of Jerusalem.
Isaiah saw the holy God high and lifted up and responded to the question” Who will I send and who will go for me? ” with ” I will”.
We are the people of God now who have been praying and will continue to pray for His direction for us. When asked what his work on earth was, Jesus answered, ” My work is to do the will of my Father.”
What is God’s will for us as a church? What does it mean for us to do God’s will here in this place and in this time?
These are the questions we are asking and praying to the great and awesome God who desires relationship with everyone who calls on his name. We can be confident that as we pray in Jesus’ name He hears us and will answer.