Ministry and Mission

Messy Church

Usually the last Wednesday in the month we gather together with families of all ages- kids, parents, grandparents to worship God in a more relaxed environment. Dinner is provided at 5:30 pm and we play games, do crafts and sing songs about different Bible themes. It is from 4:30 -6:30 pm and is a wonderful time to come and learn about Jesus and his love for us all.



Out with the Cold Dinners

Usually about two Saturday nights in the winter, December and March, we gather together a team of volunteers to go to Knox Presbyterian Church, Ottawa to host Out with the Cold. These are special nights with home-cooked dinners, conversation and fun serving the guests who are mostly homeless.  Jesus reminds us to serve each other and this is one way that we do this.


Vacation Bible School

This week filled with fun ways to learn about God’s love is the second week of August.  The churches of Kars and Osgoode join together to lead this time for children ages 4-12. There are crafts, outdoor games, songs and prayer times all centered around a series of Bible stories. 


Spring Ham Supper

Once in the Spring we host a Ham Supper at the Kars RA Hall for the benefit of blessing our community. Everyone likes to come and help and music makes the evening joyful.