
Our recorded worship services on ZOOM are available here: 

  1. Recorded service of June 14, 2020

Use the web address:

Use this password:

2. Recorded Service of June 21, 2020

Use the web address:


Password: 0f.$678@

3. Recorded Service of June 28, 2020

Use the web address:


Password: 7M?bDI+5

4. Recorded Sermon from July 5, 2020


5. Recorded Sermon from July 12, 2020

9:30 a.m.
Church School and nursery: 9:45 a.m.

Our worship is what most would consider traditional Presbyterian, although we are open to new ideas and new ways of presenting the gospel. Praise choruses from our Church School children accent the anthems of the Adult Choir. An organ and a piano accompany congregational singing.

Since we are joined in Ministry with Osgoode Presbyterian Church, Vernon we have a number of joint services each year including Anniversary Sunday (the first Sunday in June) at Kars, Welcome Back Breakfast Sunday the second week in September in Vernon, and Vernon Anniversary Sunday ( first Sunday of November). We also have a Family Christmas Eve service that is a great time of celebration.

The Sacrament of Communion is celebrated four times a year usually in October, December Easter and June.

Re-Opening Churches August 2020

Before we meet together again in our church buildings there are two areas of preparation to ensure that we return as safely as possible. The first is the building itself and the second is everyone who will attend.

In the preparation of the building, the Sessions and Boards will be:

  • putting hand sanitizer at the entrance doors
  • having the churches cleaned on a regular basis- for Kars this means weekly cleaning of the church and for Vernon this means monthly cleaning
  • marking the pews to help people know where to sit so that everyone can maintain the required 2- meter distance with allowance for family units to sit together
  • having the bulletins placed on the pews so that they are not touched by others
  • while bathrooms will be cleaned weekly, disinfectant supplies will be available in the bathroom to use before and after use of the facilities
  • putting up signs around the churches to remind us of the various protocols that must be followed
  • placing the offering plates at the front and back of the churches so that people can put their offering in when they enter or leave the church as the offering will not be taken up like usual
  • checking and performing the required maintenance on the elevator ( at Vernon )


In preparation for everyone who will come to worship God in the church building we ask you to:

  • enter and leave the sanctuary through the front doors and leave 2 meters between each other
  • use the hand sanitizer provided when you enter the sanctuary
  • wear a mask if you are able
  • sit with your family unity in the spaces marked out to ensure 2- meter distancing between people
  • refrain from singing as it is a high-risk activity- the organists will play the hymns and there will be soloists and instrumentalists sometimes
  • have children remain in the seats with you
  • leave the sanctuary immediately after the worship service and socialize and fellowship outside

Policy for Face Masks July 2020

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kars, Ontario is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and use documentation posted at www.presbyterian.ca

What we do

  1. Relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, we proclaim the love and good news of Jesus Christ through our words and actions.
  2. As a reformed church, we rely on the truth and inspiration of Scriptures for God’s guidance into the future—a future that we approach with wonder and anticipation, knowing God is with us.
  3. As worshipping communities joyfully celebrating the sacraments, we are supported, strengthened and equipped to share the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.      Governance

The General Assembly Office (GAO) serves the church by providing leadership and support in the area of governance. The GAO facilitates the General Assembly, produces the Acts & Proceedings of each Assembly, amends the Book of Forms , assists committees of the General Assembly, and responds to inquiries from synods, presbyteries, sessions and individuals throughout the year. Our congregation will use the latest version of the Book of Forms in its decision-making, and consider the reports and actions detailed in the latest version of the Acts & Proceedings.

  1. Local measures

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kars, Ontario will work with other agencies responsible for health and safety and emergency preparedness and will develop policies and procedures accordingly.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kars, Ontario is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for everyone using the church.

  1. Everyone shares the responsibility to ensure a safe and secure place for the public and will work to solve problems and make improvements on an ongoing basis.
  2. The Session and Board of Managers will ensure that time and resources are dedicated to developing safety, security and emergency procedures.
  3. In accordance to Ontario Regulation 165/16 Integrated Accessibility Standards, all emergency procedures, plans or public safety information will be made available to the public in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, upon request.
  4. The church cooperates with other agencies responsible for health and safety and local emergency preparedness. (see Appendix A for time-sensitive requirements related to health, safety and emergencies)

Appendix A:  COVID-19 Emergency: Mandatory face masks and Sanitizers

During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the church responded to specific requirements under provincial legislation including regulations as well as to requirements of the local public health unit.  As an organization that is permitted to open per Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) Ontario Regulation 263/20 – Stage 2 Closures, our church now has been given a responsibility and additional requirements with respect to implementing mandatory mask use.

  1. Under O. Reg 263/20 s.4(2), no member of the public is permitted to enter or remain in the public areas of the Enclosed Public Space (“the church”) unless he or she is wearing a mask (see note 1). in a manner that covers their nose, mouth and chin.
  2. The exceptions to this requirement under sub-section 1 are: a) Children under two years of age, or children under the age of five years either chronologically or developmentally who refuse to wear a mask and cannot be persuaded to do so by a caregiver; b) Individuals with medical conditions rendering them unable to safely wear a mask, including breathing difficulties or cognitive difficulties; c) Individuals who are unable to apply  or remove a mask without assistance, including those who are accommodated under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) or who have protections under the Ontario Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.19, as amended; d) An employee working in an area of the church that is not designated for public access or working behind a physical barrier (e.g., Plexiglass).
  3. No person shall be required to provide proof of any of the exemptions set out in subsection
  4. Individuals are permitted to temporarily remove their mask when necessary for the purpose of: a) consuming food or drink b) for any emergency or medical purpose
  5. Those individuals removing their masks for extended periods of time and outside of the temporary exemptions outlined in sub-section 4 will receive a verbal reminder of the mask requirement.
  6. The church will post the following information at every public entrance using prominent and clearly visible signage:

All persons entering or remaining in these premises must wear a mask that securely covers the nose, mouth, and chin as required by the Medical Officer of Health under the authority of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) Ontario Regulation 263/20.

  1. In addition to the face mask requirement, the church will have an alcohol-based hand rub at all entrances and exits for the use of all persons entering or exiting the establishment.
  2. A copy of this entire policy, including Appendix A, will be available to the public and to a Public Health Inspector or other person authorized to enforce the provisions of the EMPCA, upon request.

Note 1: “Mask” means: a cloth (non-medical) mask, medical mask or other face coverings, (e.g., bandana, a scarf or cloth), for filtering respiratory droplets that securely covers the nose, mouth, and chin and is in contact with the surrounding face without gapping.