
Choir practice is held before Worship Services during Advent, Lent, Thanksgiving and other special times of the year. Anyone with a heart for singing is welcome to join.

The Ladies Auxiliary meets at 2PM on the first Tuesday of each month from September through June. After a short business meeting a bible study is presented by one of the members and the meeting concludes with tea and a time of fellowship. In addition to assisting with various activities at the Church, the women are involved in voluntary work in the Community.

Sunday School for children is at the same time as worship and begins after a children’s time with the rest of the congregation. In a caring and fun environment the children learn about God and Jesus through stories, lesson material, crafts and music.

St. Andrew’s is part of the Olds & District Ministerial Association and as such we participate in leading services at the Hospital and Mountain View Lodge three times per year, Community Choir Festival during Advent, Advent and Lenten lunch study series, Men’s morning breakfasts once per month, and World Day of Prayer.