Groups share an important function in the church as we gather outside of worship times for various reasons including fellowship, personal and spiritual growth, learning a skill, sharing talents, sharing a meal together, and perhaps simply enjoying a laugh or two. We thank those that organize and make these groups possible and we thank those who join and participate.
For specific dates on any of the groups listed below please visit our Calendar. Feel free to call the church office at 905-725-5451 if you would like more information.
Ladies Guild meet on the third Monday of each month at 2:00 pm at St. Luke’s except in the summer. Meetings combine business and pleasure as well as fun and informative topics for those present. Major events organized by this group include the Spring and Fall Bazaars plus a White Elephant Auction. Fundraising efforts by this group contribute toward the cost of snow clearing, landscaping the church grounds, and helping local charities. They also lend a helping hand at funerals and other special events during the church year.
Our Sunday School program has resumed and takes place during our Sunday morning services (September to June). All children ages 4-12 are welcome to join us for an exciting year of lessons planned to help our children grow in faith. Children will learn through discussions, crafts, prayer, songs and games.
St. Luke’s is pleased to offer Junior Youth Group (ages 7-12) every Sunday from 3:30 – 5 pm. This program runs from September to June, and is held here at St Luke’s.
St. Luke’s Craft Group meets on Wednesday afternoons (from September to May) from 1 – 4 pm in the Auditorium. Time is spent working on a project as well as enjoying fellowship. Some of this work is donated to the Spring and Fall Bazaars that are held each year at the church. Tea, coffee, goodies and lots of conversation are enjoyed each Wednesday. (ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)
Bible Studies take place throughout the year. Each series is a different theme and last several weeks. Our bible study group typically meets on Thursday evenings at 7 pm in the Fellowship Room.
Our choir meets for practice each Sunday at 9:30 am prior to the morning service. We share our love of singing each week during Sunday worship and we take part in special musical events and services through out the year. No previous experience is required…just a love of singing and praising our heavenly Father. From time to time we also have a Praise Band that plays during the service. New members are always welcome.