We invite you to discover more about your neighbourhood Presbyterian Church located at 333 Rossland Road West in Oshawa (corner of Park and Rossland). Please access our parking lot from the Park Road entrance.
We are a down to earth community of faith that offers visitors and newcomers a warm welcome. We invite you to share with us our worship and strong support of missions that touch not only the people of Durham region but around the world. Our services take place on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am. If you are new to us, please sign our guest book located in the Narthex before leaving so that we may keep in touch with you and help you feel at home. Refreshments are served and there is a time of fellowship after worship each Sunday in the Auditorium.
Knowing God, loving God, and serving God are three ways we strive to show our faith. As a reformed church, we rely on truth and inspiration of Scriptures for God’s guidance into the future – a future that we approach with wonder and anticipation, knowing God is with us.
Communion is normally celebrated on the second Sunday of each month. As Presbyterians we believe that the communion table belongs to God and all those who are believers, are invited to share with us.
Our Choir is an integral part of our worship service. Choir practice takes place on Sunday mornings before worship and new members are always welcome. The only requirements are a love for music and the willingness to share your gifts during worship. If you feel called to our music ministry, please speak to one of the choir members after the service or contact the office.
In addition to Sunday worship services, we have a Sunday School program which gives our children a strong foundation as they begin their journey of faith. Children begin worship with family in the Sanctuary, then leave for Sunday School classes after the Children’s Story during the service. Babies and infants are welcome in the Sanctuary during service or there is an available Nursery for young children under four years of age.
We offer programs and events for all ages which includes Bible Study, Ladies Guild, Choir, Craft Group, and Sunday School. St. Luke’s also offers a Youth Group that meet each Sunday at St. Luke’s from September to June.
Come and visit us. A warm welcome awaits you. We hope that you will consider St. Luke’s when choosing your church home.