Healing and Reconciliation

General Assembly Referrals:


3.9 Recommendation LMA-013 (A&P 2023, p. 176, 24) That, in line with Call to Action 59, individuals, sessions and presbyteries be encouraged to continue learning about the harmful legacy of residential schools through resources provided on the Indigenous Justice web page of the Social Action Hub: presbyterian.ca/justice/social-action/indigenous-justice.

3.17 Recommendation NIM-001 (A&P 2023, p. 220, 28) That, as a matter of urgency, congregations, ministries, colleges, camps, presbyteries, the national office, Archives and the Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre examine their holdings to ensure they have no Indigenous cultural or spiritual artefacts taken without informed consent and if they do, that they are repatriated.


2.9 Recommendation ASC-024 (A&P 2022, p. 97, 33)That the resources of the Life and Mission Agency and Justice Ministries regarding the work of Healing and Reconciliation be commended to the wider church for education.

These resources can be obtained directly from the Justice Ministries department and online at presbyterian.ca/healing

2.37 Recommendation LMA-014 (A&P 2022, p. 183, as amended, p. 24) That sessions and presbyteries write their Member of Parliament encouraging the government to respond to Call to Action 21 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission by providing sustainable funding directly or to non-profit agencies already supporting existing and new Indigenous healing centres to address the harms of residential schools and colonization.

2.38 Recommendation LMA-015 (A&P 2022, p. 183, 22)
That sessions, presbyteries and committees of the General Assembly be encouraged to learn more about colonialism and the impacts of intergenerational trauma.

2.39 Recommendation LMA-017 (A&P 2022, p. 193, as amended, p. 24)That members of congregations be encouraged to avoid, as far as possible, donating to causes with known white supremacist ties.

PCC Healing and Reconciliation Resources
PCC Healing and Reconciliation Seed Fund