Heritage and Archives

General Assembly recommendations:

3.4 Recommendation HIS-002 (A&P 2023, p. 98, 27)
That congregations be encouraged to celebrate Heritage Sunday on February 18, 2024 or on another Sunday, as a means of celebrating the unique faith journey and heritage we enjoy as Presbyterians.

3.5 Recommendation HIS-004 (A&P 2023, p. 100, 27)
That congregations and others within The Presbyterian Church in Canada be encouraged to make contributions to the Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre (PCHC) as it enters the final year of the campaign.

3.6 Recommendation HIS-006 (A&P 2023, p. 101, 27)
That church courts attend to the Book of Forms, Appendix G, and be encouraged to understand the importance of well-kept church records and be reminded to follow the advice and guidance provided by the Presbyterian Church Archives staff.

Resources provided by the PCC:

Archives and Records Management

Writing a Congregational History and Creating a Congregational Archives