Climate Change

The 2022 General Assembly made three recommendations regarding climate change:

2.30 That Presbyterians be encouraged to write to their federal elected representative to advocate for cooperation among all elected officials together to meet Canada’s carbon reduction targets and address the climate crisis as a matter of urgency.

2.31 That congregations be encouraged to identify and participate in a climate initiative in their community.

2.32 That congregations be encouraged to write the Minister of Environment and Climate Change urging a renewed push for lowered carbon emissions across Canada and increased funding for climate crisis impacts and adaptation, using the Moderator’s letter as a template.

Following are resources related to climate change:


Check out the Earthshot Prize for hopeful efforts to address climate change. Prizes are awarded each November in five categories. There are some amazing projects underway to save the Earth! Thanks to Prince William for this initiative!

In November, 2024, the winners will be announced in
Capetown, South Africa.

Tackling Africa’s climate change challenges:

Despite contributing the least to global warming and having the lowest emissions, Africa is the most vulnerable continent to the impacts of climate change.

In 2022 alone, more than 110 million people across Africa were directly affected by weather, climate, and water-related hazards according to the WMO.

Other online resources:

Ecological Justice – history of work in the PCC It’s Time for Justice – Climate Change Saskatchewan’s Climate Resilience Measurement Framework
Climate Change – Saskatchewan
Environmental Society
Climate Action Plan – City of Saskatoon Climate Change – SUMA
Net Zero Coalition – United Nations
Start with these ten actions! – United Nations 10 Ways to Reduce Global Warming 10 Ways to Stop Global Warming