PWS&D – Teaching Farmers Skills and Providing Health Care in Malawi

For over four decades, PWS&D has been actively supporting development and emergency relief work in Malawi.

Currently, PWS&D is working with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian’s Blantyre and Livingstonia Synods to administer programs that work to address the root causes of poverty and hunger. Through their work in Malawi, families receive conservation agriculture training, livestock and seeds to diversify their crops, improve their nutrition and increase their incomes. Programs also work to reduce malaria through community education and the distribution of bed nets.

Vulnerable women and their newborns are accessing the care they need to survive childbirth and embrace healthy futures through a PWS&D project that is building the skills of health workers, ensuring medical facilities have the correct medical tools and empowering women to take control of their reproductive health.

PWS&D in Malawi

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