PWS&D – Humanitarian Food Assistance in Ukraine

Adventist Development and Relief Agency is supporting Adventist Development and Relief Agency with a four-month humanitarian food assistance project in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine.

War between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in over 13 million people that are stranded in conflict-affected areas or unable to evacuate due to heightened security risks, destruction of transportation, and lack of resources or information where to find safety and accommodation. Many people who are trapped cannot meet their basic needs, including food, water, and medicines.

In response, ADRA Ukraine will provide four cash transfers over 5 months to displaced and conflict-affected households. Each cash transfer is intended to cover immediate household food needs for three months and are to be redeemed from local vendors.

3,821 people (1,528 households) are planned to receive this assistance.

This project is also being supported with funds from World Renew Canada, The United Church of Canada, Presbyterian World Service & Development, and Mennonite Central Committee Canada.

With a timeline May to September of 2022, the program served 3,821 people with a budget of $1,286,595.

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