Financial gifts to support the activities of Knox Kincardine and its ministry, both locally and globally, can be made in several ways:
• Individual Offering Envelopes for the year are available upon request or visitor envelopes are available in the pews.
• The Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) program allows individuals to give to their congregation or the PCC through monthly automatic debit payments. Decide on an annual commitment and eliminate the need to track missing weeks or worry about holiday absences.
• Donations can be made to Knox Kincardine through CanadaHelps – search Knox Kincardine (Presbyterian). Charitable receipts for income tax purposes will be issued automatically by CanadaHelps.
• Knox Kincardine can also accept e-transfers made to [email protected]
• Planned Gifts are an effective way to leave a legacy at Knox Kincardine and often have significant tax benefits associated with them, which can lower the cost of the gift. Publicly traded securities, life insurance, life beneficiary gifts (RRSPs and RRIFs) and estate planning are just some of the available options. Talk to your financial adviser or search the Canada Revenue Agency website for more information.
Donations can be directed to specific funds for different uses by the Church, for a description of these funds please contact the Treasurer or a Session or Board Member.
All donations are receipted annually.