Services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada prepared a document in 1984 entitled Living Faith – a Statement of Christian Belief, which defines our purpose as a church as follows: “The church lives to praise God. We have no higher calling than to offer the worship that belongs to God day by day, Sunday by Sunday.”
At Knox, we believe that worship is our primary purpose. It is our opportunity to lift our voices and our hearts to God in praise and thanksgiving for who God is and for what God has done and continues to do in the lives of individuals and in all of creation.
In worship, we welcome one another hospitably, sing heartily, pray honestly, read the Bible humbly, listen to sermons hopefully, donate our offerings helpfully, and often, laugh happily.
As well as our regular Sunday morning Worship Services in the church Sanctuary, we also offer other opportunities to worship God.
Lessons & Carols
A service of Christian worship celebrated near Christmas Eve. It is the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus as told in nine short Bible readings from the book of Genesis, the prophetic books and the Gospel teachings. The service is interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, hymns and choir anthems, in a format that allows people of all church experience levels to participate, and especially to include the offerings of lay readers and musicians.
Christmas Eve
Our Christmas Eve Service offers an opportunity to participate in the best of church culture: hospitality, inclusivity, expansive thinking, intergenerational and intercultural community, and genuine spiritual experience.
It is an important holiday tradition for many people. It’s a time to come together with friends and family to celebrate and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
Holy Week Services
Each year during Holy Week, we celebrate with a number of Services.
Maundy Thursday Worship
On Maundy Thursday (the evening before Good Friday) we worship solemnly as we remember Jesus modeling servant leadership when he washed the feet of his disciples and shared the last supper with them. The congregation shares in the Sacrament of Holy Communion during this service.
Good Friday Worship
For a number of years now we have partnered with our neighbours at the Kincardine United Church to provide a moving, thoughtful service to commemorate and illustrate the trials and tribulations of the last days of our Lord and Saviour. We invite you to join us as we follow the cross between churches in this deeply moving combined Service.
Easter Sunday
This is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and share in the hope and joy it brings to all Christians.
Taize Style Worship
Taize worship is inspired by the worldwide, ecumenical movement first conceived in the small town of Taize, France following the second world war. It was an initiative designed to heal and reconcile the terrible divisions in Europe. The worship style is meditative and contemplative characterized by singing, prayers and scripture reading.
Check the calendar on this website for the next location, date and time.
Labyrinth Walks
A time of walking meditation is led at the Kincardine Labyrinth located close to downtown in Geddes Park. Readings of scripture are read together and then each individual walks in and out of the labyrinth focusing on the meditation. Discussion of the experience follows.
Check the calendar on this website for the next location, date and time.
Bible Study
Interested individuals are invited to attend a group study and discussion related to a specific aspect of the Bible. In the past these studies have been time limited, 4 to 6 weeks in length, to study scripture to understand God’s Word to us and how it applies in this present millennium. The Minister prepares written information for the group and leads the discussion, which is always lively and insightful. Depending upon the needs of the group, Bible Study is often held during the week either in the Parlour or by Zoom. Check the calendar.
Soul Friends (formerly Anam Cara)
Soul Friends meets on Friday afternoons weekly at 1:30PM in the Parlour of the church. It is an hour of quiet meditation and personal reflection for people who seek a closer relationship with God.