Worship and Ministry

The Congregation gathers for Worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. The congregation is inter-generational. The service is blend of Bible readings, prayers, music, and a message that is relevant to our daily lives. There is an opportunity to take part in reading, leading prayers, or through music. The congregation provides a relaxed and peaceful environment to worship God.

Children’s Program

Each Sunday a Front Pew Conversation is shared with the young people at the “in person” worship service.  Usually a clip board activity is offered to the young people to use at their seat following the Front Pew Conversation.   Discover more or if you are interested in helping  with this ministry, please speak to Rev. Milton Fraser.

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Music Ministry

At Lochwinnoch we are blessed to have several people who share their gifts of music.  Alice Juby, Gwen Storie and Jane McGregor share playing the keyboard for worship.  Periodically others will share their musical talents.  An Inter-generational choir periodically shares special music.

New Members welcomed to Lochwinnoch in 2019


Kim Flynn and Jean Gillan welcomed as members.


Lloyd and Gail Cameron, Anne and Dave Brown welcomed as members, as well as Sara Cameron not pictured.


Amber Davidson and Katie McLachlan




We are the Church