Our Mission to the World Is…

North Bramalea Presbyterian Church  welcomes people of all ages and different cultures to worship God as revealed through Jesus Christ, promotes friendship and love through fellowship, and inspires faith through study of the Bible.

Join us in Worship!

We are back to worshiping in person, 10 am service. No capacity limits, please be respectful of masking. You are invited to join us. You can also worship with us on YouTube live at 10 am, or anytime after in the archive.

Prayer Partners group
Prayer Partners group has just made communicating with them easier. If you have a prayer requests, please send it to them via this e-mail address [email protected] to which Rev. Noel and Kala Roopnarine, Convenor of the group, both have access.  Requests will be kept confidential within the prayer group.


Mark Your Calendars:

  • February 3rd, 10:00 a.m.:  NBPC’s  Women on Wellness (WoW) Mission will begin meeting again on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. starting Feb. 03rd, 2025.   The objective is for women to get together for some informal exercises, nutritional discussions & fellowship. Anyone wishing to participate, feel free to just show up on the noted day & time in the Sheila Johnston Hall (SJH) downstairs.
  • February 2nd – March 2nd. Valentine’s Raffle.
Raffle – The painting on display in the Narthex was painted by Elizabeth Cowan, congregation member and donated to be raffle with proceeds going to the church. Tickets are now on sale @ 1 for $3.00, 2 for $5.00 & 6 for $10.00 and can be purchased in the Narthex or in the Sheila Johnston Hall (SJH) downstairs, after service. Draw will take place at the Pancake Breakfast scheduled for March 02/25.
  • March 2nd, Pancake Breakfast.    Following service.  Details to be announced.




  • March 05th, Wednesday.   Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00pm Ash Wednesday

Details to be announced





  • March 16th, following service.  Congregational Annual General Meeting.
    The 2025 budget will be presented.  Here you will have the opportunity to provide your input, share feedback and approval.