Service Info for June 5, 2022

Dear Friends,

Firstly, I want to thank the following guest speakers, Dan Schley, Mark Mitchell, Rev. Barney Grace, Ray Coker, and Rev. Henry Huberts, for the Word of God they have shared with His people during my vacation. My wife, Soon, and I also want to show our appreciation for all the prayers you have requested for our trip to Korea and our stay there. I have to confess that those divine petitions have helped us experience God’s special provision and guidance more than we could ever imagine!

Secondly, I am so thrilled to begin with this year’s third sermon series called the “Seven Churches of Revelation,” followed by “Fruit of the Spirit” and “God’s Dream for Your Life.” In this new topic, we will explore Jesus’ evaluations of each church from Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Our bodies are also known as “the temple of the Holy Spirit” in the Bible (1 Corinthians 6:19). In a spiritual sense, we, as not only a church but also individual Christians, can be the religious gatherings of Christ. Through this episode, I want us to pay attention to Jesus’ visitation to our church and our heart and learn Christ’s direction in our spiritually adventurous race.

Thirdly, I want to write brief words about the Kid’s Corner in our services. A couple of Sundays ago, Rev. Grace called it the following phrase, “Message for the Young or Young at heart.” I like this description. Regardless of age, we are all children of God when we trust the Lord. In the coming hybrid services, we will continuously have children’s time differently. Children are welcome to join us in the sanctuary and via Zoom!

Fourthly, if you and/or anyone you know need our prayers, please let an elder and/or me know. We, as a church, want to present your requests to our Almighty God on your behalf. During our devotion to the Lord, we can make petitions for those who have been in challenging situations.

With these notes, I want to invite you to assemble for the June 5th Hybrid Service this Sunday. As usual, the worship service will be held at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Church, Fenelon Falls. This sacred assembly will also be broadcasted via Zoom, and the Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. The announcement slides will be presented prior to the service both at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A copy of the service info, including the message, is attached.

Upcoming Sunday Service Info:
June 5th- July 17th: Seven Churches of Revelation Series
July 6th – August 8th (Tentative): Wednesday Morning Prayer Meetings (More detailed info about this venue will be shared later.)

