In the early years classes met before the morning service, and the church school was under the formal leadership of a Superintendent. The last two were Charles McInnis, for many years, and by the late sixties, Campbell Kerr. Teachers giving valuable service included June Johnston (Demerling), Mary Pogue, Janice Pogue and Grace McGee. By the early seventies, Mrs. Rita Fairley, assisted by her daughter Heather, and later by Laura Starrett, took over the active leadership of a Sunday School that now met during the morning service. In time this led to the setting up and organization of a nursery for tots, with Mrs. Ruth Wires scheduling the ‘helpers’. Equipment such as play-pens, etc., was installed to facilitate things. The Sunday School in the 1980’s was now in the capable hands of Mrs. Muriel Walker, Mrs. Rita Fairley and Mrs. Anna Mae Starrett, with Mrs. Eileen Schley as Secretary-Treasurer who had succeeded Campbell Kerr in 1982.
Due to their dedication and hard work the Sunday School is a dynamic part of the church and is experiencing an upsurge in numbers, of involved adults as well as children.
With the departure of Mrs. Rita Fairley, Christine Nugent and Carol Walker have stepped in as teaching assistants and their enthusiasm is much appreciated.
The regular maintenance of our church has always been a priority with the Board of Managers. The hard work and dedication of the past members of St. Andrew’s Congregation have left an important legacy to maintain.
Our congregation has been most responsive when extra funds were required and personal contributions have been greatly appreciated.
Ceiling fans, speaker system, carpeting, seat cushions are but a few of our indoor improvements. New front steps and railing were installed in 1980, and hook-up to the town sewer system was completed in 1984.
Our major undertaking was the restoration of the outside brickwork in 1988 by Premier Restoration Ltd., followed by painting and caulking all outside windows and woodwork by Champlain Painting and Decoration.
This has greatly enhanced the appearance of our church which we hope, with regular future improvements, will give our place of worship a special spot in the history of Fenelon Falls.
For the past number of years Iain Starret has been our capable and hard working Chairman of the Managers.
Organists over these last 25 years have included Mr. Bruce Cooper, Miss Gail Pearce, Mr. Henry Popert, Miss Barbara Dunn, Mrs. Beulah Robson, Miss Heather Fairley, Miss Janice Goodman and our current organist, Mrs. Barbara Eastman.
The consistent commitment of the choir members is worthy of our gratitude. Young choir members were brought in and we enjoyed ‘spirited’ music—not dirges—to the enjoyment of our members and the delight of our visitors.
Choir members of today, of long standing, include Mrs. Marlyn McGee, Mrs. Charlotte Johnston, Miss Debra Johnston, Mrs. Anna Mae Starrett, Miss Carol Walker, Mr. Wm. Schley, and the newer members, Miss Christine Nugent, Miss Andrea Howard, Miss Laura Nugent, and Mrs. Donna Wood.
The old Hallman organ was replaced on November 24, 1975.
A gift of 75 copies of the new ‘Book of Praise’ was dedicated on June 21, 1973 in honour of Dr. Max Putnam, our former minister and later moderator, and donated by the MacAlpine family. In 1976, 30 more copies were given by Mr. Wm. Hetherington.
For many years there were two ladies groups in St. Andrew’s—one, the Missionary Society, the other, the Ladies’ Aid.
In 1970 a restructuring occurred at the suggestion of Rev. Fairley. The Women’s Missionary Society became the Women of St. Andrew’s Afternoon Group, later called Group I. The Ladies’ Aid, in turn, became The Women of St. Andrew’s Evening Group which later (1976) became known as Group II.
Group I meets the second Tuesday of each month, and raises funds through free will offerings, donations and church calender sales. Once the W.M.S. Presbyterial Allocation is paid, moneys are given to congregational groups or other charities donations. Christmas treats for shut-ins, cards for the sick and shut-ins, and bereaved families are key responsibilities, as well as distribution of Glad Tidings and These Days booklets. The group has also assisted over the years at congregational activities such as Group II bazaars and bake sales. A valuable focus of each meeting in the worship period and study from the W. M. S. study book for the year.
Some of the officers over the years have been Miss Marjorie Demill, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, Mrs. Frances McInnis, Mrs. Ann Tyndall, Mrs. Molly Lawrence, Mrs. Thurstan, Mrs. Rita Fairley, Mrs. Anna Mae Starrett, Mrs. Eileen Schley, Mrs. Janet Murchison and Mrs. Blanche Smith.
Group II, which now meets the third Tuesday of each month helps with the financial needs of the congregation by giving money to the Board of Managers, usually for specific projects. Donations are also given to various groups within the congregation and charities in and beyond the community. Over the years considerable money and work hours have been contributed toward updating the manse, in particular, as well as the church hall and kitchen. Money for these projects is raised through such activities as church bazaars, bake sales, dinners, rummage sales and other social events.
Some of the officers over the years have been Connie Beynon, Bertha Armstrong, Marlyn McGee, Edith Jewell, Eva Popert, Helen McIntyre, Gareth Kerr, Aileen Lightfoot, Alta Curtis, Helen Bullick, Eileen Schley, Muriel Richardson, Jessie Stewart and Marie McCallum.
Rev. Shirley Jeffery, Moderator; William Bain, William Cunningham, Ralph Hyatt, Eldon Jewell, Mrs. Charlotte Johnston, Campbell Kerr, Mrs. Laureen Lansfield, Mrs. Marlyn McGee (Clerk), William Schley, Ronald Sharman, Cecil Wires.
William Cunningham, Mrs. Janet Murchison, Campbell Kerr
Eric Baggs, Eric Cosens, Miss Anne Gray, Ralph Hyatt, Mrs. Charlotte Johnston, Lloyd McIntyre, Art Pogue, Mrs. Muriel Walker, Cecil Wires. Mr. Iain Starrett (Chairman).
ORGANIST and CHOIR DIRECTOR: Mrs. Barbara Eastman
Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Eileen Schley
Teachers Mrs. Muriel Walker, Mrs. Anna Mae Starrett
Nursery Mrs. Ruth Wires
Assistants Carol Walker, Christine Nugent
(I) Missionary Society
President Mrs. Anna Mae Starrett
Vice-President Mrs. Edith Jewell
Secretary Mrs. Molly Lawrence
Treasurer Mrs. Janet Murchison
(II) Women’s Association
President Mrs. Marie McCallum
Vice President Mrs. Shirley Sobko
Secretary Mrs. Muriel Richardson
Treasurer Mrs. Anne Fernley
CHURCH TREASURER: Mrs. Muriel Walker
Mrs. Isobel Cooper, Mrs. Edith Jewell, Mrs. Gail McFadden, Mrs. Muriel Walker, Bill Bain, Campbell Kerr, Rev. Shirley Jeffrey.