Dear Friends,
I want to begin by expressing our congregation’s appreciation to Arlene Ten Hove for offering her leadership at Shiloh Christian Centre today as part of the Reader Exchange for the Day of Prayer for Christian Unity. “This year marks the 1,700th anniversary of the first Christian Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325 AD. This commemoration provides a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians, as expressed in the Creed formulated during this Council. This faith remains alive and fruitful in our days” (Excerpted from the 2025 Christian Unity resources)
With this note, I warmly invite you to join our hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. We will continue studying the topic of “Decision” in our sermon series “Time to Dream” during the service. A copy of this Sunday’s service information and sermon is attached for your reference.
Church News and Announcements:
Shopping Card orders will be collected this Sunday, January 19, 2025.
The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held at the church and via Zoom after the service on Sunday, February 16, 2025. Your prayers for this congregational meeting and your participation, whether in person or online, are greatly appreciated.
The pulpit supply schedule is as follows: February 9: Lizz Hoyle & February 23: Rev. Jonathan Baird
Service information, church announcements, and videos of weekly Sunday messages are posted on our church website for those who wish to watch at their convenience. To visit the website, please click on the following link: