Following the building of the new church, life in the congregation seems once more to have settled down to an even tenor for a period of about thirty years. During this period the records of the congregation yield few items of historical interest. Soon after 1895 the name “St. Andrew’s” first appears in connection with the church.
Rev. Malcolm McKinnon resigned the charge November 21st, 1899. A call was issued to Rev. R.C.H. Sinclair, and accepted in September 1899. The guarantee of stipend to Mr. Sinclair was $800.00 ($600.00 from Fenelon Falls and $200.00 from Somerville). Mr. Sinclair continued as minister of the church until early in 1907. On July 11th, 1907, a call with a guarantee of stipend of $900.00, was extended to Rev. C.S. Lord. Mr. Lord’s ministry was the second longest in the history of the charge, continuing through the years of the first Great War, and terminating October 31st, 1919. During this lengthy ministry, both Mr. and Mrs. Lord rendered a service to the congregation which is still remembered and spoken of. In 1919, Rev. C.S. and Mrs. Lord presented to the church an individual Communion set, in memory of their son, Lieutenant McLean Lord, who gave his life in the Great War of 1914-1918. This memorial is still in use in the church. Rev. W.A. Beecroft was called to the charge in November of 1919, and inducted December 30th. He ministered to the congregation for approximately two years, resigning on August 26th, 1922, and vacating the pulpit the following month. Rev. J. C. Davies was called on October 30th, 1822, and ministered to the congregation from early in 1923 until 1926.
During this period there is evidence of a slow but steady growth in the church. At the Annual Meeting in 1911 it was reported that the membership of the church was 100, 45 new members having been received in the past three years. Ten years later statistics show a membership of 135. The Annual Meeting of 1920 received a report that the finances of the church were the best in its history.