Service Info for July 24, 2022

Dear Friends,

I am excited to have the Genesis sermon series over the next eight Sundays. During those times, we will explore God’s creation, love, command, judgment, and salvation through chapters 1-11 of the book of Genesis. This Sunday, we will explore the Creator God and learn about the Lord’s massive universe. Famous astronaut Neil Armstrong said on the way back home after exploring the moon, “I put my thumb up and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out planet earth. But I did not feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.” In fact, we are so small when we know more of the Indescribable God and His Creation. Perceiving how big the cosmos is beyond our comprehensive knowledge. More astonishing is that the Almighty Lord knows each of us living on this tiny planet compared to the vast heavenly realms. God wants us to pay attention to what He can do for us and enjoy our precious present time before the Lord.

For your information, our worship service will have more joyful hymns next Sunday. It may be a bit of a challenge for us to have live music sounds via Zoom. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can make joyful noises before God and praise our Awesome Christ wholeheartedly.

With this note, I invite you to join the July 24th hybrid worship service. As usual, this sacred gathering will be held at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls and will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A copy of the service info, including the message, is attached.

Upcoming Services/Meetings:
July 6 – August 10: Wednesday Prayer Meetings at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s and via Zoom
August 7: Service of Baptism at 1:00 p.m. at St. Andrew’s
August 14-27: Caleb’s Study Leave
August 14: Rev. Tom Cunningham
August 21: Susan Wallace, Moderator of the Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough
August 28: Closing & Amalgamation Service at Knox, Glenarm at 2:30 p.m. (Tentative)

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

