Congregational Letter – Invitation to the Hybrid Service of Celebration of “157 years of Mission and Ministry” at Knox, Glenarm

August 25, 2022


As you are aware, the amalgamation of Knox Presbyterian Church, Glenarm and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Fenelon Falls will take place on September 1, 2022.

A closing and amalgamation service will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church Glenarm on August 28, 2022 at 2:30 p.m..

The service will be conducted by the Lindsay/Peterborough Presbytery and is largely symbolic. For example, the Moderator of Presbytery, Susan Wallace, and Rev. Ann Blane will be conducting prayers of remembrance and thanksgiving on several items and symbols in the church. There will be a formal act of amalgamation led by the Moderator in which both Glenarm and Fenelon Falls Clerks of Session and the amalgamation team will participate. After the benediction there will be a recessional with the symbols and congregational records being carried from the church. Once everyone is outside the Moderator of the Lindsay/Peterborough Presbytery will be given the key and she will officially lock the church signifying that the church has been closed.

The video presentation “Precious Memories of Knox Glenarm” will be shared during this celebration. Victoria County Historical Society produced this visual display in 2020. The other portion was made and presented at the 2015 Christmas Eve Service. In this presentation, we will enjoy listening to our friends talk about Knox Glenarm, their memories of Glenarm church’s exciting events, and their dedicated hearts. Rev. Caleb Kim, Faye Nicholson and Barb Silver will deliver a message titled “Moving Forward.” Through this sermon, we will learn what God has done over the 157 years for Knox Glenarm and which direction God wants us to press ahead in the future. Reid Torrey, a good friend of Knox Glenarm, will provide bagpipe music during the processional and recessional.

We anticipate this will be both a happy and sad time remembering all the family milestones that have been celebrated within the walls of Knox Glenarm. We hope this will be a time to reminisce with each other and reflect on God’s bountiful blessings granted to us over the years.

Please plan to attend and pass this invitation on to anyone who would like to join in this final service in Knox Glenarm.

This service will also be broadcasted via Zoom and the virtual assembly instructions are located below.

Much prayerful thought has gone into this amalgamation process and we would ask for your prayers as we move forward on this new path God is creating for us.

We continue to humbly ask for your prayers and support for the new amalgamated congregation.

Let us close with words taken from a letter to the members and adherents of the Presbyterian churches in Hastings and Warkworth on their decision to amalgamate, as those words echo the thoughts from our own team.
At this time, let us remember:
The church is not a building or a denomination. According to
The Bible the church is the body of Christ
The people are the church and where the people gather in His name
Greatness shall happen because He said
“For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)


Rev. Kim and the Amalgamation Team

P.S. – Instructions for the Zoom service

Simply click the link below and follow the instructions:

Or click the following link
and follow the steps below:
1. Join the meeting by entering my Meeting ID: 478 513 2509 in the “Meeting ID” box and clicking on the “Join” button.
2. Enter your meeting password: 123456
3. To show your video while attending the meeting, click “Join with Video.”
4. Ensure your microphone is on at the bottom left corner of your screen. As you enter the service, every participant will be automatically muted.

Suppose you do not have access to the internet/Wi-Fi and/or a computer/smartphone/tablet. In that case, you can still join the Zoom meeting via telephone by following the steps below:
1. Dial 1-408-638-0968 (Note: this would be a long-distance call) on the phone.
2. At the prompt, enter the Zoom meeting ID: 478 513 2509, press # (the number sign), and press # again. Once you hear about the password stuff, enter your meeting password 123456 followed by #.
3. During the Zoom fellowship, press * (the star key) and six on your telephone when you mute/unmute yourself.