Fall Bible Study: 40 Days of Community – Better Together

Fall Bible Study: 40 Days of Community – Better Together
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 p.m.
Date: Wednesdays, September 14 – October 19, 2022
Location: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Basement (89 Colborne St., Fenelon Falls) & Via Zoom (Instructions are placed below)

Many of us may remember the bible study and sermon series, “40 Days of Purpose,” which we did some time ago. During that time, we answered the question, “What on earth am I here for?” In this new presentation, we will reply to a similar question, “What on earth are WE here for?” We will examine how God’s purposes relate to our church and the local community.

Below is the invitation from Rick Warren, Retired Minister of Saddleback Church. We hope this will give you a clear idea of what the coming spiritual adventure is all about.

“Our focus for the next 40 days will be on fulfilling God’s five purposes together. We’ll do this in two ways: first, by deepening the community of love within our church family, and second, by reaching out in love to the community around our church family. Both are essential for a healthy, balanced, purpose-driven life.

During the next six weeks, we will examine the five reasons we need each other to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives – We fellowship better together! We grow better together! We serve better together! We worship better together! We teach out better together!

It is no accident that you are part of this 40 Days of Community. Before you were born, God chose you to be a difference-maker and to make an impact for good with your life. Are you willing to take the next step in growing life of purpose and meaning? Then let us join for this 40-day spiritual journey – deepening the community of love within your church and reaching out in love to the community around your church.” (Excerpt from Saddleback Resources)

An electronic and/or printed copy of the summarized participant guide is available via email before each week’s study date. A hard copy of the guide can also be purchased for $12 in advance if you like. You need to order this material by asking Caleb no later than Monday, September 5. Please let him know if you need more info. You can reach him at 705 341 8827 or caleb67kim@gmail.com.

Note: Instructions for the Zoom meetings

Simply click the link below and follow the instructions:

Or click the following link https://zoom.us/join
and follow the steps below:
1. Join the meeting by entering my Meeting ID: 478 513 2509 in the “Meeting ID” box and clicking on the “Join” button.
2. Enter your meeting password: 123456
3. To show your video while attending the meeting, click “Join with Video.”
4. Ensure your microphone is on at the bottom left corner of your screen. As you enter the service, every participant will be automatically muted.

Suppose you do not have access to the internet/Wi-Fi and/or a computer/smartphone/tablet. In that case, you can still join the Zoom meeting via telephone by following the steps below:
1. Dial 1-408-638-0968 (Note: this would be a long-distance call) on the phone.
2. At the prompt, enter the Zoom meeting ID: 478 513 2509, press # (the number sign), and press # again. Once you hear about the password stuff, enter your meeting password 123456 followed by #.
3. During the Zoom fellowship, press * (the star key) and six on your telephone when you mute/unmute yourself.