Service Info for August 28, 2022

Dear Friends,

I want to begin with a special reminder about the Hybrid Service of Celebration – “157 years of Mission and Ministry” – at Knox Glenarm. With the blessing and guidance of the Presbytery of Lindsay and Peterborough, the closing and amalgamation ceremony will be held at the Glenarm Church on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. In this gathering, as Christ followers and His church, we will praise the Lord our Mighty and Merciful God, who has used us as a spiritual beacon in Glenarm and its surrounding areas over the years. We will not only look back on God’s previous ministries through Knox Glenarm but also look to the future of Knox Glenarm with its dear sister church St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. Your presence at this assembly in person or via Zoom and your continued support and prayers for the newly formed body of Christ, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Fenelon Falls, in the coming months and years would be greatly appreciated! Children are welcome to join this service!

With this note for your consideration, I invite you to gather for the August 28th hybrid worship gathering at 10:00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls. This Sunday, in the Genesis series, we will explore the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:4-25) for the adult audience and study God’s creation (Genesis 1-2) for the younger generation. We will make more joyful sounds for the Lord at the hymn sing. As usual, this sacred assembly will also be broadcasted via Zoom. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A Zoom fellowship will take place for those who want to join after the service.

FYI: Fall Wednesday Hybrid Bible Study (September 14 – October 19, 2022) at St. Andrew’s, Fenelon Falls & via Zoom from 10:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. – 40 Days of Community by Rick Warren. Please find the attached file for more detailed info.

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15).

