Service Info for Oct. 23, 2022

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls, we plan to do a couple of things in our divine assembly. Firstly, we will recognize and rededicate some of Glenarm’s sacred items before the Lord. We will acknowledge the enhanced audio-visual equipment installed at St. Andrew’s sanctuary and dedicate this gift to God’s Kingdom ministry in loving memory of Tom Southern and Edna Hawkins. As Christ’s newly amalgamated Church, we will also save our hearts to God. We pray that God can help us to “communicate faith, hope and love by supporting and serving our congregation and the local community.” Please pray about this divine ministry and participate in this spiritually privileged mission for the glory of the Triune Lord.

With this note, I invite you to join us in this service of New Beginning and Dedication at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls or via Zoom on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom. A copy of the service info, including the message, is attached.

FYI 1: “Shopping Card Fundraising Program order forms are collected on the last Sunday of each month. Order forms are found on the entrance table.”
FYI 2: “On the first Sunday of each month, we collect items for the local Salvation Army Food Bank.”

Upcoming Sunday Service Info:
November 6: Remembrance Sunday
November 13: Presbyterians Sharing Sunday
November 20: Mission Awareness Sunday

But He [Jesus] answered, “You give them something to eat” (Mark 6:37).

