Service Info for Oct. 30, 2022

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the former Board and Session members at Knox Glenarm, we want to express our appreciation to the St Andrew’s Session for recognizing many of Glenarm’s special sacred items at the particular service and placing all well at the New House of God. Glenarm people have been pleased to see the little Glenarm church museum at St. Andrew’s. The descendants will continuously remember the God of Glenarm and their ancestors’ faith through it.

On behalf of the newly merged congregation, we want to thank the Southern and Hawkins families for their generous bequests to the church. With some of the contributions, we enhanced our church’s audio-visual system and dedicated it to the Lord last Sunday. That equipment will be significantly used in the modern technical world to serve God’s ministry in person or via Zoom. On behalf of the Leadership Team, we recognize the behind-scene work that Dan, Donna and Stan have put in for this installation and thank them.

On behalf of the Leadership Team, we present our gratitude to the Lord our God and pass on our gratefulness to all of you for your continued prayers and ongoing support for the New Ministry.

I have placed below the YouTube links (unlisted) to some content at the October 23 Hybrid Service of New Beginning and Dedication.

Welcome and Announcements & Call to Worship

The Acknowledgement of Items from Glenarm & The Act of Covenant

Sermon: Reaching out and serving together – 40 Days of Community III

Dedication of the Enhanced Audio/Video System

I have also put our church’s mission statement:
“The mission of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Fenelon Falls is to communicate faith, hope and love by supporting and serving our congregation and the local community.”

Next Sunday at St. Andrew’s, we will have a Remembrance Day service. One introductory presentation, “based on the 80th anniversary of Dieppe,” will be made by Mark Mitchell. Please mark this venue in your calendar. We will honour our fallen soldiers together during the service.

With those notes, I invite you to join us in a hybrid worship service at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls on Sunday, October 30, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. This Sunday, we will conclude our sermon series “40 Days of Community” and learn about the importance of worshipping together. Under the Fall Reader Exchange event, we again thank Shane Baker for representing St. Andrew’s and reading scripture at Fenelon Falls United Church this Sunday. We also welcome Lynne Jarvis from St. James Anglican Church, who will be reading scripture for us.

This divine assembly will also be broadcasted online. A virtual fellowship through Zoom will take place for those interested after the service. The Zoom link below will open at 9:45 a.m. Before the service, the announcement slides will be presented to the congregation at the sanctuary and on Zoom.

FYI 1: “Shopping Card Fundraising Program order forms are collected on the last Sunday of each month. Order forms are found on the entrance table.”
FYI 2: “On the first Sunday of each month, we collect items for the local Salvation Army Food Bank.”
FYI 3: Please return Christmas Shoe Boxes by Sunday, November 13

Upcoming Sunday Service Info:
November 6: Remembrance Sunday
November 13: Presbyterians Sharing Sunday
November 20: Mission Awareness Sunday

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37).

