.Andrew’s History 
1863-Church Built Francis Street
1895-Church Built Colborne Street
1921-Membership 135
1938-Became joint charge with Knox Glenarm
Knox History
1865 -Congregation formed
1867- Grounds Purchased & Church Built
1894- New Church Built in Village, original becomes Cemetery
1885-1965 Glenarm July 1st Picnics
1938-Becomes joint charge with St. Andrews Fenelon Falls
Recent Combined History
In the early 1990’s there were some serious conflicts with Minister. At St. Andrew’s all session members resigned and at Knox Glenarm 1/2 the session resigned. St. Andrew’s inducted new elders. Knox carried on with 3 existing elders. Treasurers from both congregation resigned and current treasurers appointed, Dan Schley at St. Andrews and Bill & Lizz Hoyle at Knox Glenarm. It was at this time that the Joint Charge made a conscious decision to work together and ‘open the books’ to each other.
Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon was appointed as the Interim Moderator during this period to support the congregation in a healing process and as a result we evolved into this unique group.
There were two more transitions that we experienced. During the time period between 2006 (Rev. Rod Lewis) and 2007 with Rev. Dawn Griffiths as our Interim Moderator, there were two significant events for us. First, each church developing, establishing and proclaiming our Mission Statements. This process solidified that we both had very different roles in our respected communities. We were able then to focus squarely on those roles and each church respected and embraced those differences in their future decisions, spiritually, activity based and financially. Not many major decisions were made without the knowledge and understanding of either church.
A second event was the ‘Strength to Strength’ initiative led by Rev. Virginia Brand. This workshop series had each church investigate all the strengths, weaknesses and goals they had. We were able to use this ‘survey’ as our basic roadmap to: call a new minister, plan activities, and look at areas we needed to improve. We still review this ‘document’ regularly to see where things change and they certainly have evolved. Since 1993 there have been joint meetings between the Treasurers, with an invitation to Board and Session members, to discuss the salary increases and the financial health of both churches.
Treasurers also audit each other’s year end financials to ensure transparency. We are very proud of this relationship.
With the ‘tools’ that we have developed, Rev. Kim has been able to formulate a plan as to his style of worship. He has been able to introduce a vibrant music ministry with direction from Jane Veale. A Covenant was established with Jane and each church, and she became the joint organist and united more of a bond between us. Also, newer music was introduced using electronic means as well as the contributions from the Kim Family who introduced guitars, saxophone, drums and violins. This was a vision in the Strength to Strength results, congregations wanting more contemporary music.
Thanks to the technical expertise of the Kim family we have been able to enjoy and rejoice in above average ‘Zoom’ services. This has allowed many shut-ins and others who have moved from the area an opportunity to join and participate in our services. Large screens have been installed in the Fenelon church so that in service and zoom participants all feel part of the service. Zoom service availability will be part of all future services.
With the support from the PCC, each church has developed a web presence. All service activity, events, announcements, Sermons have also been available to shut-ins and visitors and friends and relatives abroad.
For information purposes St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls observes their Anniversary on the first Sunday after Thanksgiving and Knox Glenarm observes their Anniversary on the first Sunday in November.
As a summary, although each church has their own identity, neither functions without the support from the other. Obviously from a financial perspective, but more so over the past 25 years as a real partnership. The discussion of amalgamation has been broached in past conversations, but it could have been either church amalgamating with the other. In either scenario, the prospect would be welcomed with open arms. Decisions like this are difficult to start, however, at the end of the discussions; we must be faithful Stewards with the properties, the buildings and the finances.
In 2014 Knox Congregations reserves became a concern, we advised. Rev. Kim that he might need to consider his future at the charge. At that time he introduce us to the shopping card program at St. Andrews’s in Lindsay and promoted prayer re our future.
In 2016 our prayers were answered-A bequest from Alex Landall totaling $144,000. Mr. Landall never attended the church but had enjoyed the July 1st Picnics in his youth
In 2020 Covid 19 hit. We closed the church shutting off the water and hydro and moved to Zoom services. The Knox Glenam congregation became smaller as some moved or passed away.
Within this Amalgamation Plan, we will integrate both ‘cultures’ into one, bringing all things meaningful to the table, just the place of worship will be different, not the acts.
Basis for Amalgamation
Notwithstanding Knox Glenarm have funds in reserve from a bequest in 2016, we are running a substantial deficit each year and dipping into reserves to cover expenses.. The number of households is less than 10 and active members are less than 14 due to the passing of members and adherents as well as some moving away. The church is large and heat, hydro and general upkeep expenses are exorbitant for a dwindling congregation to manage.
At the Annual meeting on February 13, 2022 after much discussion all present agreed we should amalgamate with St. Andrew’s in Fenelon Falls.
A congregational meeting was held at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls on April 10th, 2022. Mark Mitchell made the motion to endorse the proposed amalgamation of Knox Glenarm with St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls.. Motion seconded.. Carried unanimously.
Pastoral Leadership
Rev. Caleb Kim has been the minister for the joint charge of Knox Glenarm and St. Andrew’s, Fenelon Falls since the fall of 2007. The family reside in the manse which is owned by St. Andrew’s. Knox Glenarm contributes 50% of the Minster’s stipend and expenses.
Regarding the transition from a Two Point Charge to a Single Point, the Travel Allowance portion of the Stipend paid to our Minister has been discussed. It is the unanimous intention that we continue the $1,450.00 allowance, as our Minister will be continuing pastoral ministry in the same geographical area.
Both congregations pray that Rev. Kim continues to lead us and feel that the amalgamated congregation can support him going forward.
St. Andrew’s has four Elders who share the duties of a Board of Managers. Knox Glenarm has three Elders and a Board of Managers consisting of four members. There is a Clerk and Co Clerk at Fenelon Falls, and a Clerk and an Associate Clerk at Glenarm. Both congregations have three Trustees. Knox Glenarm had a Presbyterian Women’s group, however it disbanded early in 2022. The bank account is closed and the funds were forwarded to the WMS National Office. This also has been the situation at St. Andrew’s. The Women’s Aid group has been dissolved and their bank account closed. The funds are in control of the General Fund.
It is the intention that all officers within Knox Glenarm join those respected positions in the amalgamated church. Moving forward there will be appointed, one Clerk with an Associate Clerk to represent both affiliated congregations. After familiarization with each other’s processes some individuals may take the opportunity to reconsider their status.
Our joint organist retired this past year. Prior to her retirement she recorded an extensive library of hymns which she has graciously allowed us to use. The Kim brothers and family have also been providing music for the combined services. The quality of this recorded music has enhanced our on-line worship with no detriment to our in person worship. This introduction has enabled both churches to save the expense of full-time music ministry.
Historical records will be secured and kept in the fire proof cabinet at St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls
Dan Schley will become the Treasurer of the Amalgamated congregations.
Assets & Values
Knox reserves
As at May 31. 2022
Bank Account – $15,195
GIC Maturing December 31, 2022 – $26,000
Mutual Funds – $86,375 (to be cashed)
Total $127,570
Bank accounts will be reduced by August 31, 2022
St. Andrew’s reserves
As at May 31, 2022
Bank Account – $17,730
GIC Investments – $98,837
Total – $116,567
Disposition of Knox Property
Prepare the church and have it appraised
Advertise (twice) for other religious organizations (Book of Forms)
Proceed with sale of property
Proceeds to St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls (to be determined)
Proceeds to Glenarm Cemetery (to be determined)
To other organizations (to be determined)
Knox Chattels: Members of the congregation will be given the opportunity to indicate those chattels they wish to go to St. Andrew’s and which, having donated the item, they may wish to have returned to them.
Cross on sanctuary wall
Pulpit and Chairs
Communion Table and Chairs and Sideboard
Communion glasses etc. table cloths etc.
Memorial cabinet
Organs and piano
Plant stands and plant holders
Some pews
Kitchen dishes and cook ware
Fridge and Stove
Dehumidifier, vacum cleaner
Tables and chairs in basement
Items in balcony – mostly seasonal decor
All Other items
It is noted that St. Andrew’s Fenelon Falls is prepared to accept and arrange any and all memorials, plaques, sacramental fixtures, etc. that are important to the Knox congregation within the church building.
The Amalgamation
The amalgamated church will retain the name St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Fenelon Falls.
We would request that the amalgamation become effective September 1, 2022 with a final service of celebration for Knox Presbyterian Church, Glenarm on August 28, 2022 conducted by Presbytery. A service will be held in Fenelon Falls in the fall to commemorate the beginning of the newly amalgamated church.
Our two churches, during the past many years, have had a close spiritual relationship attending each other’s special church services and fund raising events. At the beginning of Covid, with the introduction of Zoom, the two churches formed a Leadership Team consisting of Session members, members of the Board of Managers and other key members of the congregations. For the past two years that team has worked together for the good of both congregations.
The Amalgamation Team prays that God will bless this amalgamation and create a vibrant group of believers to carry on His work. We humbly ask for the prayers and support of the Congregational Life Committee and the Presbytery of Lindsay/Peterborough. May God guide our every decision.
Respectfully submitted by the Amalgamation Committee: Bill Hoyle, Barbara Silver, Dan Schley and Mark Mitchell, with guidance from Rev. Caleb Kim, Rev. Ann Blane, Sheryl Smith and Harold Abernethy (Presbytery).