Late Fall/Winter Worship

WORSHIP IN THE WINTER CAN BE TRICKY – please do not come to worship if you feel the roads are not safe! Your elder will call you as soon as possible if worship is cancelled due to weather. If you are new to Westminster or St. Paul’s this season and would like to be put on a call list please use the Contact Us page  to alert Rev. Shelly or email

  • Sun., Dec.  – Advent 1 
  • Sun., Dec.  – Advent 2 – 
  • Sun., Dec.  – Advent 3 – 
  • Sun., Dec.  – Advent 4 – 
  • St. Paul’s Candle Light Worship 7pm
  • Tues., Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Candle Light Service 7pm
  • Sunday Dec.  – First Sunday after Christmas – regular worship at both churches
  • Sunday Jan. – Epiphany Sunday!                                                                                                 –