Sunday School
Sunday School is provided every Sunday at both Westminster and St. Paul’s for children and youth. Both programs center around a lesson and activities that encompass a variety of ages. When we have larger groups we are willing to divide into more age specific activities. On occasion curriculums such as One Room School and Witness are used to enhance the learning experience. We are thankful for long-term and committed Sunday School teachers.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! RENEW! – July 15-19th 2013 8:30-noon (JK- grade 6) follow link for more information and to register
Youth Activities
The pastoral charge works together to provide a Jr. youth group called G.A.F.F.Y (Games and Fun For Youth) Each event operates around an activity like movie, games, wide game, excursion(like trip to apple orchard or bowling) and a theme like friendship, season of church, challenges. At each event we play, learn and grown together through our activity and a time of reflection or bible devotion/discussion. Look of the calendar of events for any up coming GAFFY events (we gather seasonally approx. four times a year)