Summer Worship at Westminster, Paisley and St. Paul’s, Glammis is shared so that there is always somewhere for our faith family to worship. Therefore, together we can continue to provide an uninterrupted experience of worship throughout the summer. We gather together for one worship service each Sunday morning during the summer months of July and August. Dress is summer causal to dressy and worship is a little less formal.
Please remember you may bring your offering envelopes for each church, they will be delivered to the appropriate treasurer in a timely manner, thank-you in advance!
JULY WORSHIP- All Sundays in July are in Paisley
Westminster Church, Paisley 10AM
Sunday School is not provided but adult supervision with activities is possible in Sunday school areas. Colouring/Activity pages are provided please ask a greeter when you arrive.
AUGUST WORSHIP – All Sundays in August are in Glammis
St. Paul’s Church, Glammis 11AM
Sunday school continues to be provided through-out the month of August.
REMINDER: Regular worship services at both churches as of the First SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER