News & Updates
St. Paul’s Strawberry Dinner 2014 June 26th
St. Paul’s Strawberry Annual Dinner
St.Paul’s invites you, your neighbours and friends to our
Annual Strawberry Dinner with Ham, Beef and a variety delicious salads!
June 26th – dinner will be served from 4:45 – 7 p.m.
Adults $15.00 children $7.00 at the door.
Register NOW! for VBS 2014 Wilderness Escape
Go to VBS 2014 page on menu of our website for more info and easy ways to register!
Importants Dates and Events coming up!
Sunday, December 15th – St. Paul’s Christmas Potluck & Natural Church Development Sunday – (NCD) On this Sunday we will have a shortened worship service, a brief introduction to NCD followed by lunch then St. Paul’s members & adherents will be invited to complete the NCD survey.
Sunday, December 22nd – Christmas Potluck following regular morning worship at Westminster
Sunday, December 22nd 7pm St. Paul’s Candlelight Christmas Service (NO morning worship) with fellowship NOTE DATE CHANGE!!
Wednesday, December 24th 7pm Christmas Eve Family Candle Light Service at Westminster
THIS SUNDAY: Sunday, December 8th
Morning Worship at Westminster and St. Paul’s White Gift Sunday
– At Westminster all monetary donations will be given to the Paisley Foodbank Christmas Hamper Program & non-perishable items to the Foodbank
– At St. Paul’s monetary donations & food items will be donated to Lion’s Christmas Boxes, we are also collecting to the MITTEN TREE all items are given to local social services 🙂
7pm Longest Night Service, at Knox United Paisley Ministerial warmly invites those that may have difficulty at Christmas due to loss or difficult times for a time of worship where all are welcome into God’s grace and peace.