You and your family or friends are welcome to join either congregation at anytime, please come as you are! Our worship services are easily followed with a bulletin in hand. We worship in a traditional manner but try to use many modern gifts and our many talents. Please check calendar of events as well for updated events and worship times.
Regular worship at Westminster, Paisley & St. Paul’s, Glammis
Westminster Presbyterian Church worships every Sunday at 10am
Sunday School is provided for children JK-grade 6. (grades 7 and up are welcome to join in Sunday School activities or stay in worship)
Young children are warmly welcome to stay in worship at our Toddler activity table or keep busy with activity bags provided. There are always volunteers ready to take young children to our nursery area downstairs please ask duty elder for assistance.
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church worships every Sunday at 11:30am
Sunday School is provided for children/youth of all ages but geared toward JK-grade 6. (grades 7 and up are welcome to join in Sunday School activities or stay in worship)