GAFFY (Jr. Youth) Games And Fun For Youth!

GAFFY is Westminster-St.Paul’s Junoir Youth Group. GAFFY is lead and supervised by our minister Rev. Shelly and her husband Franck, as well as, parent & youth volunteers.

GAFFY is for youth in Grades 5-8. All youth from our area are invited to attend, you or your children do not need to be members of Westminster or St. Paul’s. We warmly welcome all denominations and openly acknowledge & respect diversities of theology. Our leadership endeavours to plan all activities within this age range and understanding.

GAFFY meets a 3-5 of times a year to provide a time of FUN FAITH filled activities. We always have a main activity, hangout time with snack and a devotional time.

 Main activities could be movie night, digital scavenger hunt, bowling, tobogganing, camp fire, corn maze and more …

Hangout Time is an important time for youth to be nourished by a snack, create friendships and just have FUN!

Devotional Time is a time to gather the youth to express another reason why we gather together, to talk openly and freely about our faith in God, to learn about our relationship with Jesus and to begin to understand our faith in connection to our world.

For more information, questions or concerns please use the CONTACT US page.